When viewing individual comment trees, usually by opening a comment from my own history that has replies on it, or just clicking view context: the original comment is the furthest indented, with the replies indented one less, and further replies to those less indented still until the lowest level comment appears as the oc, but at the bottom of the list.

Here’s an example:

  • @odium
    211 months ago

    I’m noticing the same thing.

  • MV (Jerboa dev)
    211 months ago

    Wow, never even realized that. Make an issue on github and I’ll take a look.

  • MV (Jerboa dev)
    111 months ago

    Also regarding your message in the screenshot.

    Those are kbin links. Kbin has different API and I believe it is closed too. So Jerboa doesn’t support those and probably won’t in the future and neither will other apps.

    But you can view kbin magazines through lemmy if they are federated with your instance.

    For example:

    This Kbin magazine


    their federated equivalent

    https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]

    The above will properly open in Jerboa (and others) (only since 0.41 in Jerboa)

    • @[email protected]OP
      211 months ago

      Those links came from a kbin user asking about their ‘share link to Fediverse’ button. I was just checking if either would happen to open here. (they posted them as non hyperlinks so I had to repost them to find out)

      Was just an example that’d actually fit on screen.