• jadero
    2 years ago

    I agree that consciousness is a sensitive issue. I haven’t refined my thinking on it far enough to really argue my position, but I suspect that that it’s just one more aspect of the “mind of the gaps”. As with the various “god of the gaps” creationist arguments, I think that consciousness will end up falling into that same dead end. That is, we’ll get far enough to start feeling comfortable with the idea that gaps are only gaps in the record or our understanding, not failures of theory.

    Some current discussion of the matter is already starting to set up the relevant boundaries. We have ourselves as conscious beings. Over time we’ve come to accept that those with mental and intellectual disabilities are conscious. Some attempts to properly define consciousness leave us no choice but to conclude that consciousness is like intelligence in that there are degrees of consciousness. That, in turn, opens the door to the possibility of consciousness in everything from crows and octopuses to butterflies and earthworms to bacteria and even plants.

    I find it particularly interesting that the “degrees of consciousness” map pretty nicely to the “degrees of intelligence”.

    So if you were to ask me today if my old Fidelity chess computer was conscious, I’d say “to a low degree”. Not because I claim any kind of special knowledge, but because I’d be willing to bet a small amount of money that we’ll get to the point where the question can actually be answered with confidence and that the answer would likely be “to a low degree”.

    To your discussion of the neural correlates of consciousness, my opinion is that making the claim that this still tells us nothing about “what material experiences” is a step into the “mind of the gaps”. I’m happy enough to have those correlates as evidence that information processing and consciousness cannot be kept separate.