Empire was 5. All other answers are wrong.
Hoth was cold, the movie was cold and dark, evil wins… Just like real life.
This is the correct answer. A New Hope and Return of the Jedi are quite good as well and Rogue One is amazing, but Empire stands alone at the top and it’s not close.
Return of the Jedi has Luke dressed in black and lightning shooting out of the Emperor’s fingertips. That’s clearly the best.
Finally some sanity. It’s 5 and it’s not even remotely close.
4 + 3 = Rogue One
Rogue One was good, but it wasn’t exactly Empire.
It’s almost correct, in the sense that Rogue One is the prologue (postlogue?) to Andor, which is the best SW media even tho it’s not a movie.
Epilogue? Haven’t seen Andor yet so don’t exactly know what you’re looking for.
Presequel was used by the Borderlands game that comes between 2 and 3. In the same vein, Andor/Rogue One are the sequels to Episode 3 and the prequels to Episode 4.
So an interquel, then?
Let’s just renumber them all again, so Rogue One is 4, Andor is 5, and A New Hope is 6. That makes Empire 7, proving the OP correct.
Epilogues normally come after, both narratively and chronologically.
Could be either depending on the order you watch them, but I’m really getting the giggles thinking about Rogue One ending with a record scratch and “I bet you are wondering how I got here!”
That’ll do.
Could be either depending on the order you watch them, but I’m really getting the giggles thinking about Rogue One ending with a record scratch and “I bet you are wondering how I got here!”
Absolutely. Star Wars is at its best when it gets away from the goddamn Skywalker.
Dang dude, the infants in this comment section saying 3. It’s clearly 5, there is no other answer.
Watching through them all with my daughter, started at 1, just finished 5. It’s full of errors, like Obi Wan saying that Yoda had trained him and that he (Obi Wan) was as rash and impatient as Luke was. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that the people making episode 5 hadn’t even seen episodes 1 or 2 and barely paid attention to episode 3!
Lol, is this a joke? I can’t tell on the internet.
As one of those infants, yeah. ESB is a technically superior film. RotS is in the top spot purely for nostalgia reasons.
Dude… Its obviously the first movie, 4.
When they saved the whales
Good effort, Crewman.
Exterminate! Exterminate!
deleted by creator
The logic is flawless.
Empire stands high above the rest. The characters are fleshed out and the structure of the film is impeccable, the story just flows.
Kershner was the best director the series had.
There is only one good Star Wars film, ESB.
Yeah, I can only imagine gen Z who didn’t see the originals first and instead saw the prequels in theaters would put 3 over 5. For me the gap between 5 and the others is just massive, but I also love Star Wars and to me no movie has lacked that specific magic. Even if I need to turn my brain completely off for 2, 7 and 9 to be able to enjoy them…
My answer is 3 because of the Anakin Obi-Wan fight. Is there anyone that likes 3 for a different reason?
Order 66 and how everything came together was cool
Grievous, lots of Jedi doing Jedi things, the hot start with Anakin and Obi-wan going in alone to save the chancellor, did I say Grievous?
Don’t forget Mace Windu’s fight with Palpatine, the only person who could outright beat him 1 on 1 (other than maybe Vader if he had the guts to actually try). Though I don’t know why he had to wind up for that killing blow; that seems like a big writing/directing error. It’s a lightsaber, just dip it down inside his face briefly and then scold Anakin for leaving the council chambers.
My personal order from best to worst Saga movies would be:
5, 4, 6, 3, 2, 1, 7, 8, 9
1 and 7 are kind of on equal footing for me (ranking is almost interchangeable), but overall I think TPM was just kind of a bad start to the Prequels (though they got better), whereas TFA was actually a somewhat strong start to the Sequels that got exponentially worse.
5,4,6,R1 The rest are largely rubbish but the ending of 3 was solid.
I didn’t mind 7 at all.
It’s just 8 and 9 that retroactively made it shit.
6 is where it started to turn into a toy advert.
Edit: nvm, that’s 6. I thought it was 7.
You don’t like Return of the Jedi? That’s largely considered the best of them.
Hmmm… It’s a toss up between Rogue One and the Ewok Holiday Special.
Holiday special was tv. Which means it would have to go below Andor
5, 4, 6, 8, 7, R1, Solo, 1, 3, 9, 2
No, you’re uninvited from the may the 4th party, and the revenge of the 5th follow-up party.
TLJ is flawed but great and would be higher if TROS weren’t such a cowardly backtracking shitshow of a movie.
ROTS is very nearly as hard to watch as AOTC, though it has some higher highs. I will personally never forgive it for forcing the most brain-twisting mental gymnastics ever to retcon ROTJ’s Luke-Leia “real mother” scene in the Ewok village.
I have found my people. I also liked TLJ. I hated RoS because literally the whole movie spent it’s runtime reversing what Rian did in TLJ.
Imagine thinking 3 is worse than whatever fucking mess phantom menace was. 7 was 4 but worse
Imagine thinking 3 is worse than whatever fucking mess phantom menace was.
Want to know why Qui Gon dies from a stab when no one else ever does? The man was fucking exhausted from carrying the entire film. Liam Neeson single-handedly elevates TPM above the other two prequels.
7 was 4 but worse.
You’re not wrong, but four was that good
7 wasn’t though, it just followed the same plot structure without anything that made it good
All of the prequels are a mess. RotS just has the most meaningful scenes to the overall plot of the Skywalker Saga.
You got the first two right at least. 5, 4, 3, R1, 6, 1, 8, 7, Solo, 2…9.
Everything that’s annoying about AOTC is there in spades in ROTS.
ROTS just had few better parts.
The immersion breaking total lack of chemistry in 2 between Anikin and Padme, which is my biggest complaint, is hidden by his anxiety in 3. Add some of the best action sequences in SW that are found in 3, and I will have to agree to disagree with you good sir.
Are we allowed to politely disagree and move on??!! I am happy to go into my thoughts as to why ROTS can’t overcome its shortcomings, but a lot of comes down to what hit me as a kid watching the OT and how the PT was such a drastic departure. Certain of those choices were rolled back in the ST, so I’m fonder of it than most, though I’ve been holding a torch for TLJ so long…
We can do that, especially as I loved TLJ when it came out too. 9 kinda soured my taste for it though.
2 would have been a better movie if they had cut out the Naboo part down to pretty much just the kiss, maybe with some text to say they were having a great time or something. Based on their interactions shown, I found them leaving there not liking each other as much more believable than falling in love, especially with the scenes in the capital showing how little respect they had for each other.
Then they could have used that time to make the fight against Dooku longer for each of Anakin, Obi Wan, and Yoda.
5, 3, 6, R1, 4, 1, 2, Solo, 7, 8, 9
R1 and 4 is really hard to decide so both can swap positions, 1 is better than 2 because of maul, Solo could be a great movie if they didn’t make the whole Han background happen in a few days, 8 and 9 sucks.
1 is better than 2 for basically every single reason you can think of. At the end of the day, 1 is simply less boring than 2.
Pretty much, 2 is boring as hell. But Anakin in the 2 is less annoying than kid Anakin to me.
Here’s the controversial take: that scale starts at 7/10 and goes down from there. Because Star Wars is a mediocre series overall. And I like the stories, but making a great star wars movies seems to be out of reach for Hollywood writers and directors.
If you thought about ewoks you’re old
And right.
Lützi/Danni/Hambi lebt!
(If you understood this meme you are very much into activism in Germany, and Starwars)
(They named a camp in an occupied forest “Endor” and fought against cops)
Rogue One is the best in my opinion