When I come across such infographics with tips, I sometimes wonder, if you follow all these tips, then where will you find the time to program? Of course, all this is useful, but every developer knows how much you want to get done with all public affairs and immerse yourself in the code, especially if it is the code of a project that you love. And on the contrary, if you have to write a rotten project, with a stupid team, while working for a mercantile scumbag, no matter what you do, you will be sick of work. What is the conclusion here? Either you do what you love; or love what you do. And you will have much more free time. What about burnout? We are all phoenixes…

  • jwelch55@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    As someone who has done this almost 20 years, and is feeling constantly burned out, Even working on awesome projects… I’d suggest to take these things very seriously, you might not feel it happening, especially in your 20s… But it does catch up up you eventually

    • modevOP
      1 year ago

      I am working at same company almost 20 yers and yes I burned out several times. I have sport, healthy food and hobbies like learning new tech. These 3 things are enough for me.