Jay and Silent Bob: Chronic Blunt Punch is headed your way in 2024! Play as the titular Jay or Silent Bob and make your way through the most over-the-top bea...
I’m guessing that this particular installment of the ‘comic universe’ isn’t being written by Holden. The snootchie bootchies stuff has been attributed to him by Jay before. Basically it’s Holden’s idea of the ‘real’ Jay, not the ‘real’ Jay himself.
Clearly it’s meant to be fictional (double fictional? meta-fictional?), but I think by now Jay and Bob have more creative control.
This post will either make zero sense or all the sense.
I expected a lot more snootchie bootchies and snoozing.
I’m guessing that this particular installment of the ‘comic universe’ isn’t being written by Holden. The snootchie bootchies stuff has been attributed to him by Jay before. Basically it’s Holden’s idea of the ‘real’ Jay, not the ‘real’ Jay himself.
Clearly it’s meant to be fictional (double fictional? meta-fictional?), but I think by now Jay and Bob have more creative control.
This post will either make zero sense or all the sense.