We have a standing shower with a strange leak. It was built with a small tiled wall/step that the frame-less glass shower wall panel sits on. I noticed water pooling outside the door after a shower. At first I thought it was the door seal but upon closer inspection it is coming out of the grout. See pics (right where the arrow is pointing). The shower was already in the house when we bought it so I don’t know anything about how it was constructed.
How should I proceed trying to fix this leak? Do I need to re-do the grout? Should I just use grout sealer? Any help appreciated.
Update #1: Thanks for the help everyone. Do ya’ll have any thoughts on where the water could be entering from? The silicone caulking was recently redone. My thought was that I have a hairline crack along the grout somewhere that is allowing water to wick in and and along to the outside.
Update #2: It’s Fixed! Thanks everyone for the suggestions and advice. My working theory was that water was wicking down under the bottom frame and finding its way into the frame attachment holes. This appears to be what was happening. I ended up pulling out all the caulk around the inside of the shower on that side and replaced it with fresh silicone. That seems to have done the trick. Bingo, no more water on the ground!
Great video and shower leak, a bit similar to your own.
Shows the process of finding leak around and redoing and replacing the drain grate and drain, while also sealing them up again.
He also removes old grout around shower and adding new silicone and grout.
Quick search on shower leaks:
How to fix a tile shower leak without removing tiles - Inspire DIY Kent Thomas [10:53 | Sep 16 2020 | Inspire DIY] https://youtu.be/g6A91-y-_R4
Oh yeah. I found this guy when I was first looking into this problem. This is a super great video. He gave me the idea that maybe I just need to use a grout sealer on the water acing portion of the tile and attempt to seal up where the water is entering.
Were you able to post an update or can you post an update on the leak problems you were/are having?