They’re in order of likelihood of being played. Craig is a mate of mine who I play with when time permits.
“Uncategorized (250)” sums it up pretty well
Newest trending game tag in steam Craig-like and Craig-lites.
Survival Craig
Action RP-Craig
Not pictured: Won’t make the mistake of playing with Craig again
I just use dynamic collections, eg. group games by their store-tags, eg. arpg, fps, puzzle, walking-sim, online-coop… etc, whatever I consider handy when going through all of it.
Sure, the categories have a lot of overlap, but I don’t mind, the games list is a disaster anyway (>1300 games on account… yea.).
I used to maintain my own categories, but at some point the number of games started to be too much to do it by hand.
edit: One of the better features is to group games with online-coop with friends who have it too. Makes it a lot easier to find the next adventure to start after few beers.
This is how I go about it, too. I also use the favourites feature to self-curate games to reduce choice anxiety when I want to play something.
Whenever I buy a game, it gets favourited, whenever I’m done with a game, it gets unfavorited.
If I play some game a lot or feel like playing some game when I have time, I favourite it.
This way anytime I want to play, I have a short list of games to consider, instead of trying to look through my whole library.
yea I do also use the favorites (and two other manual lists), but thats about it. Mostly I just use the “last played” view of the library and hide games which aren’t installed locally.
I tried to sort by genre too many times and failed due to how specific some games get. So now they are sorted by completion.
I also have a huge word document that has a very detailed, color-coded checklist of every game I have sorted alphabetically & by franchise, this was made so I could include any games from my other devices.
What’s in “DONE - DIDN’T LIKE”? I’m curious as to what you’ve finished despite not really digging it!
“Done” doesn’t always mean complete, generally that’s where games go that I didn’t finish, never returned, and don’t plan on ever playing again.
But to answer your question
Far Cry: horrible update, AI is broken, don’t care to fix it
Far Cry Primal: Didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it, caused major eye pain too so I couldn’t play long.
Penumbra: Requiem: Abandoned the vibes of the previous two penumbra games which were the precursors to the amnesia games, didn’t enjoy the puzzles either.
Planet Centauri: Development Hell, no interest anymore.
Sniper Elite: weird funky controls just not enjoyable for me got about midway through before tapping out.
We happy few: mostly abandoned by the devs, game suffered due to being rushed.
Out of those I beat 3, the rest I either didn’t make the return window or kept for library collection reasons.
Fair! I’ve tried but haven’t been able to get into Far Cry games. I intend to try 3 again. Loved the first two Penumbras, but I’ve never heard of Requiem. I hella feel you on the controls of Sniper Elite, also.
For me personally 3-5 were solid Far Cry titles! I haven’t beaten 2 yet though. They are “AAA” titles and the corporate parts show, especially in 5. But I love the sandbox environments and the stories are dumb fun imo. Great “brain off” games (stealth is fun too)
I do like the use of square brackets to abuse the alphabetisation.
Saving for reference. You’ve got a good thing going here. I need to steal some of your ideas for my own collection.
This is amazing! May I please copy your system? :')
Of course!
I just have “Craig” and “Not Craig”.
I think you’ll find my naming scheme perfectly cromulent.
#Naming Scheme 'Em Ups
I just wonder how Lindsey compares to Craig.
come on! Lindsay 'em up!
that is so my wife can find the games she likes and I am trying to make it as easy as possible for her without my nonsense
Gotta get you some City Build 'Em Ups.
they’d be under God 'Em Ups (currently Command and Conquer, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Civilization games, Worms, Theme Hospital etc)
But if you don’t build 'em up, how can you knock 'em down?
I kinda figured that’s what was in there, but the pun was right there and I couldn’t resist.
Wow am I the only gamer who had no idea you could organise games into groups in steam? It never even occurred to me to look for this feature
i had them organised once upon a time but then i switched laptops and the categories didn’t transfer so i just, never did that again
same happened to me, super annoying.
there’s third party tools that seem to be able to back up your categories and restore them, so for anyone who’s put an effort into the categories and doesn’t want it to disappear, look into it. personally i didn’t trust these third party tools enough, so now i only have automated categories, and favorites for the stuff i care about right now.
Yeah seriously the only two categories I have are favorites (games that are installed), and everything else (games that aren’t installed).
You can even sort them conditionally, so I have a folder with games I haven’t played and it updates automatically
I bet that number usually only goes up
I need me a Craig.
We’re around
I’d play games with you as time permits.
mine would go something like:
stuff i play: 1
stuff i used to play: 3
stuff i got just because it was cheap: 983785789567Like this
Lol, I have virtually the same system, though my Craig is called Dan
I theme mine on how I play them:
play with friends
play when I have a short amount of time
more in-depth games
unlikely to play (e.g. parts of bundles)
And yes, a bunch of uncategorized
Very similar to my own system!