His book tells you in detail how to build the cabin start to finish: simple solar homesteading by lamar alexander
I can’t remember which straw bale house book is the best, but I’ve never met one I didn’t like.
Larry angell’s sweat equity is a good book.
I haven’t read earthship specific books, but underground house books are also always an amazing read. Super low cost/footprint, as large as you want, easy to build, stable, temp-consistent
Okay,I looked it up, The one I read that I really enjoyed was the $50 and up underground house book by mike oehler
So many good books spring to mind.
Maybe my favorite because of its simplicity is the simple solar cabin:
His book tells you in detail how to build the cabin start to finish: simple solar homesteading by lamar alexander
I can’t remember which straw bale house book is the best, but I’ve never met one I didn’t like.
Larry angell’s sweat equity is a good book.
I haven’t read earthship specific books, but underground house books are also always an amazing read. Super low cost/footprint, as large as you want, easy to build, stable, temp-consistent
Okay,I looked it up, The one I read that I really enjoyed was the $50 and up underground house book by mike oehler