Do you have “that one thing” that always feels affirming? Something that you continuously return to because you know it’ll make your day better?
I would say the most consistent source of gender euphoria or affirmation would be shaving my body hair. When I step out of the shower and every inch of my body is smooth, I feel so relaxed and sensual. It always puts me in a great mood and I try and time it when we do our bedding so I slip into this nice fresh bed and just kinda wiggle around 🥰
I have to agree with you on this. Smooth is ❤️🔥️
After getting all smooth, thigh-highs and a skirt with a cute top is also really nice. And tucking completes it for me. 🥰️
I’ve been a little scared to try thigh highs and skirts. I want to but really nervous? That’s usually a sign of something that is going to be super affirming.
Felt the same way about needing a bra and my wife finally just bought me some. Tried them on, saw my reflection and was like “yep, that’s the good stuff” 🤣
I’ve been on HRT for over a year and just recently got my first skirt and thigh-highs. Absolutely worth it! I’ve not worn them out-and-about yet, but I will eventually.
I’m much more happy and confident with HRT, but I live in a deep red state. So…yeah. I am wearing fem clothes in public though, including a bra, but it’s more subtle. Although my breast growth is forcing my hand here. 😅️
Shaving my face feels great. I haven’t had any major hairs come in yet, but shaving off all that peach fuzz is an affirming ritual. I love looking at myself in the mirror with the shaving cream on my face.
So glad you’re enjoying it! You can have my facial hair too if you want… I have more than enough to go around and I want literally none of it hahaha
I would gladly take your facial hair. It’s likely gonna be a couple of years before I can grow a decent looking beard.
Me too! Take my whole beard, sideburns, nose hairs (okay maybe not those…)
I want sideburns and a mustache so badly
I am not greatly blessed on that front. It’s there but… kinda weak compared to the beard.
Sideburns go crazy tho, kind of a pain given I have a huge head and wear glasses. Every haircut I ever got I asked to have the sideburns G O N E, only one hairstylist ever did it and it was wonderful for like, a week.
Can relate on hairstylists never doing what you ask. Back in my less passing days I’d show a reference photo of a very clearly manly man and they’d still somehow manage to femme up the cut. Apparently the way they cut sideburns, the way they shape the back of the head towards the bottom, and a bunch of other stuff is heavily gendered. It’s ridiculous.
I haven’t had a haircut since… I wanna say 2019. I hated how short it became and as it turned out, not a single interviewer gave a shit how long my hair was so it got cut down to like, ear length, for nothing.
I am not trans, and I hope I’m not intruding, but I love the support shown in this community so much. I hope it spreads. You people are amazing, thank you!
Cis allies and curious people are always welcome here! It’s a good place to learn more and educate yourself, though pretty much everything is made with a trans audience as opposed to a cis one in mind. I’m very proud that this community has developed into a supportive place with diverse perspectives.
getting motorboated by my SO. call me weird but anything that makes my tits jiggle makes me too happy
When the homies in voicechat use my pronouns and it takes a little moment of brain lag to go “oh shit, dat me”
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believe it or not: mirrors :3
Sometimes it sucks but when it doesnt ffffffffm >v< and it hasn’t sucked in some time! :>
Honestly the one thing that’s been most affirming for me is face surgery. I know not everyone can manage it so I feel a bit bad saying it, but every day I can look in the mirror and see myself instead of somebody who doesn’t fit my body, and its been incredible.
Hey, I think that’s great! Sounds like it was a really good investment in yourself. :)
Honestly, starting estrogen and the direct effects of the hormone on my brain and mood (and probably more importantly, the effects from suppressing testosterone) have been the biggest source of euphoria, though I guess it’s not the same as “gender euphoria” necessarily.
IDK, I had a really good period at the end of last year where I was consistently happy and I think it was from a combination of finally liking my face, my body (mostly, I wish I was more in shape), and finally gaining the confidence to start dressing and presenting openly fem in public. Still makes my happy most every day!
That’s great! I’m happy to know that there comes a point where those small little euphoria moments end up chaining together and creating a euphoria combo.
At least that is how I read your comment :P
Happy for you girl!