I’m planning to open a new chequing account in the near future, and I’m contemplating bailing on RBC. I’ve been with them for a very long time, and one possible outcome is that I’ll just open a new RBC account and be done with it. That’d be… fine.

But for a variety of reasons (including my satisfaction with RBC trending steadily downward), I’m thinking about opening this new account elsewhere. I don’t have a ton of hard requirements, and I’m not really sure what to look for in a bank, but the following would be nice:

  • Good online banking experience, particularly desktop (RBC is shockingly bad at this)
  • Good credit card; easy to make payments from the new account
  • Minimal fees
  • Easy e-transfers
  • Real security (another thing RBC is terrible at)
  • Neat rewards would be cool
  • Low-fee, low-friction investing would also be cool-- I don’t really do much investing, but I’d like to be able to

Any suggestions would be great, including anti-suggestions if you happen to know of a bank that I should avoid.

  • Rose56@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    Check the online ones like desjardins, eqbank etc. they have more positives stuff. Also check redflagdeals. they have a lot of discussions regarding bank acounts.
    AFAIK the big banks will charge for almost everything.

    I’m with RBC, and apart from 1 time not sending a replacement card, which I requested, everything worked fine so far.