I’m hoping next year to try to grow a few plants on my apartment’s deck. It’s half sun and I live in a temperate area where I’ve had family grow tomatoes, potatos, peas, beans, etc.
I feel like any fruit or veg that can grow on a trellis should, in theory, work. Anyone have any lived experience to share? I’m not terribly good with plants, so I also ask the question “should a novice tackle this kind of project”?
What direction does your deck face? I have a south-south west patio on my apartment and I grow tomatoes, assorted peppers (bell, banana, horn, jalapeño, habanero, ghost, Carolina reaper etc), blueberries, strawberries, raspberries etc. I was thinking of getting an apple and lemon tree next year. Basically if you aren’t facing east or north you should be good to go