I saw this on infinity for Reddit earlier, I don’t know if there’s a workaround for this or not.

  • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    This is Google’s deployment of tracking apparatus, courtesy CIA. Heil America and thank the greatest country on earth! NSA programs, Patriot Act, CLOUD Act and uncountable activities were not enough. Banning Tiktok is not enough.

    Google, its devices or software or anyone shilling it cannot be trusted. This is in the best interests of your privacy AND security.

    I will also take a moment to remind of Google’s Project Maven, where they used smartphone metadata collected using Google Play Services and Google trackers on internet to drone bomb Muslims in Yemen. Currently, they are facilitating a genocide of Palestinians, as have they done to Middle East for decades. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/google-project-maven-drone-warfare-artificial-intelligence

    The only workarounds I see is preferring devices like the ones Huawei has, with no GMS thanks to US sanctions, or buying non-Google devices you can root and flash something as clean as LineageOS (not Graphene Google OS) or AOSP based custom builds. Boutique devices like ones with /e/OS, Murena phones also seem like good foundations to start with. On existing phones, disabling Bluetooth ability for any Google packages using ADB/Shizuku in addition to blocking any Google/Alphabet related domains using HOSTS rules will be a solid strategy.

    • Sims@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      They are deeply involved with CIA/deepstate/MIC and are censoring and propagandizing their own population on behalf of the Capitalist ruling elite. Scum corporation…