I never heard of Baldur’s Gate, but the other day someone on lemmy recommended this playthrough of the game that was just released. I watched it and it’s different from Skyrim etc, in that it has a way deeper story and is played slower. It’s a bit like DnD apparently, which I don’t know much about either.

Anyways, full recommendation!

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    1 year ago

    it’s a bit like D&D

    No, dude. It is D&D. It’s set in Forgotten Realms, follows the actual lore and uses the actual mechanics of the pen and paper game for all the dice rolling stuff (barring a few things that need tweaking for the medium and eschewing more meta rules that can only work in a PnP setting).

    As a fan of both the original Baldur’s Gate games and D&D in general, I have found BG3 to be the absolute pinnacle of the D&D CRPG subgenre. It lets you do so much more stuff than any other D&D game. I love it. It’s been a while… The last D&D game that did as much as BG3 is doing now was Neverwinter Nights.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Wolfheart seems like a nice guy, he’s put out tons of great content leading up to release.

    I’ve only played a couple hours so far but I’m enjoying the game a lot! It seems like every conversation has at least one unique dialogue option based on your race or class picks, which is awesome. The companions I’ve met so far seem fairly interesting.

  • FIash Mob #5678
    31 year ago

    I’m 10 hours into my first playthrough and still haven’t finished Act 1.

    It’s glorious to be able to do so much wandering and just enjoy this rich, rich world Larian has built.

    • Oscar
      31 year ago

      I’m 24 hours in and I didn’t even know there were acts lol, but I assume I’m also on act 1. I’ve pretty much only done side missions.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Yeah, like the other comment said, it is literally virtual D&D, not like D&D. Watching a playthrough won’t even give you a fraction of the experience as it is very dependent on how you specifically want to solve problems so if you’re able to, I’d recommend holding off until you buy it.