Mental health expert, Sergio Muriel, explains why artificial intelligence (AI) should not replace human therapists, despite the rise in people turning to AI-powered mental health tools. While acknowledging the potential benefits of AI in mental health care, such as offering immediate and anonymous support, Muriel emphasizes the profound challenge of replicating the genuine human touch, empathy, and emotional connection of a counselor through algorithms. He cautions against over-reliance on AI, citing potential privacy concerns and the loss of nuanced understanding that comes from human interaction. Muriel stresses that AI should complement, rather than replace, human care, especially for those with a history of self-harm or suicidal ideation, where sole reliance on AI-powered tools can be dangerous.

Summarized by Claude 3 Sonnet

  • El
    6 months ago

    Yes. It’s better than nothing.

    I’ve had therapist genuinely not getting what I was trying to tell them.

    “I’m having panic attacks and…”

    “Oh, you just need a better outlook towards life!”


    I bet AI is better at this.