I do still have at least a little hope Ukraine is going to win. A territory does not typically successfully invade another territory a second time. However, I continue to be outspoken for Ukraine. Without aid, Ukraine will probably do what Chechnya is doing and just resort to dirtiertactics, which I’m glad Ukraine is not doing yet.
Unless my memory is just bad, this is the first I heard about that, though even that is much less dirty than the worst done by Chechnya (or Russia), whose national values I wonder about at this point.
I do still have at least a little hope Ukraine is going to win. A territory does not typically successfully invade another territory a second time. However, I continue to be outspoken for Ukraine. Without aid, Ukraine will probably do what Chechnya is doing and just resort to dirtier tactics, which I’m glad Ukraine is not doing yet.
What about that time they sneaked bombs onto a civilian lorry and blew him up with his family as he was crossing the bridge out of Crimea?
Unless my memory is just bad, this is the first I heard about that, though even that is much less dirty than the worst done by Chechnya (or Russia), whose national values I wonder about at this point.
They made post stamps to commemorate it.