As state lawmakers rush to get a handle on fast-evolving artificial intelligence technology, they’re often focusing first on their own state governments before imposing restrictions on the private sector.

  • @[email protected]
    811 months ago

    Questions like: Who is OpenAI and how does live in my telephone? Can OpenAI serve me crackers, also what day is it? Why does OpenAI suggest Furry porn when I google furry porn?

    Lawmakers, most lawmakers, barely remember to take their medications much less have the mental capacity to understand what AI or LLMs are. It’s laughable/frightening to think our congressional octogenarians are writing laws and restrictions on anything pertaining to technology.

    • @lasagna
      311 months ago

      Most importantly, can it help keep our islands floating?

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    I really wish we’d stop using “Artificial Intelligence” to describe these things.

    They’re just recognizing patterns and regurgitating them. There’s no cognitive function going on, no critical thinking, no analysis. It doesn’t even know the difference between true or false.

    It’s closer to AI than we’ve ever had, but it’s still not close to intelligence.

  • 👁️👄👁️
    211 months ago

    I wonder how many will go after the thieving data scraping and invasive data collection? Nahhh lol they’ll go after ambiguous AI ethics that mean absolutely nothing that’ll achieve absolutely nothing.