That thing about ticks probably isn’t true
Heck, that link goes so far as to have a personal experience where they think an opposum brought ticks with Lyme disease from a dear with it that affected their dog.
My one question is, would it be that easy to see a tick in an opposum’s stomach contents?
Aww maaan.
Australian possums are scarier than what ever these things are, the fuckers sound like demons outside your window and wake you in the middle of the night
Australia is just where the rest of the world dumped a lot of the scarier versions of their local animals
It’s also nature’s maximum security prison. New Zealand is the guard shack.
Yeah, but yall’s possums are adorable, ours look like they’re about to stab you for meth money.
Our possoms are cute but deadly depending on how they feel
So they can decide to be cute or try and fuck you up
I believe opossums are America’s only marsupial.
Yeah, apparently marsupials first arose in North America and then migrated by some mechanism to Australia. Placental mammals arrived or also arose on North America as well which is why our marsupials are so…just opossums. But there were no mammals on Australia so they spread to many niches.
AND their brains are as smooth as eggs!
Eggs are so tasty 😋
If I see one, I’m trying to domesticate it.
The only time I ran into a wild one, I couldn’t ignore it because it was in my garage.
found one in my garage once sleeping in a wheelbarrow with a tarp over it. be more than happy to ignore 'em if they weren’t tryin to ambush me
They are in truth one of the dumbest creatures on the planet.
I once successfully slowed down just in time for one to make it across the road, just for it to immediately turn around and dart under my tires once I started speeding back up.
I’ve seen kittens exhibit similar behaviour
Unless you see one outside of this continent, then it might be lost and need help finding its way home.