After the Trump campaign confirmed soon-to-be-graduate Barron Trump’s role as an RNC delegate, and his dad awkwardly forgot his age while reacting to the news, he’s turning down the role, according to his mom.

In a statement from former First Lady Melania Trump’s office, the 18-year-old’s “prior commitments” are blamed for his upcoming and unforeseen absence from the July convention.

“While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments,” the statement reads.

  • @[email protected]
    792 months ago

    Fucking hilarious. Prior commitments on the four days your father, the former president, will be nominated for president again. What are these more important commitments?

    Baron must really hate his dad. Also, I assume Melania does too, especially with him forgetting his son’s age and once again publicly running through the affair he had 4 months after she gave birth. Even if he doesn’t care about the kid, he should be able to calculate from the dates that keep coming up in his trial.

    • Flying Squid
      172 months ago

      Baron must really hate his dad.

      His dad probably only was around for him when he was needed as a prop in front of cameras. And maybe show up briefly to give him a gift card on his birthday.

    • @[email protected]
      82 months ago

      I hope he does decide to get into politics but as a Democrat. Wouldn’t that just chap Trump ass.

  • AFK BRB Chocolate
    652 months ago

    I wonder how much of this change is the result of the whole world saying “Well, he’s 18 and getting into politics - the gloves are off now.” Wouldn’t surprise me if it was his mom’s doing. I don’t like her, but good on her if she pulled the plug on this.

  • @[email protected]
    292 months ago

    Or… hear me out: someone that hasn’t ever voted in their whole life shouldn’t be a party delegate.

    • @[email protected]
      172 months ago

      Greta Thunberg has entered the chat.

      There are 12 year olds who can discuss political issues intelligently, and 50 year olds who have never read the Constitution. Age shouldn’t be the factor.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        Age shouldn’t be the factor.

        I disagree. I believe that senior citizens shouldn’t be allowed in politics. They wont live to see the repercussions of their actions. Both as politicians and as voters.

        • @[email protected]
          72 months ago

          I hope someone you know saves this and shows it to you in fifty years.

          You’ll probably be the one demanding that “kids” under 25 be denied the vote.

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago

            In 50 years I’ll be nearly 80 and I’ll be lucky to remember my own name. No way in hell should I be in charge of anything at that age, I wouldn’t trust myself driving to the grocery store, let alone trying to govern a world power.

            If I’m riddled with dementia at the time I may not remember that this was my perspective, but it is. Let the ones with skin in the game make the decisions. If I’m going to be dead in 20 years I shouldn’t be making decisions with 80 year tails. Neither should our existing politicians, and the reason why is readily apparent in modern day : they won’t have to live long enough to see consequences. Therefore, they’re perfectly fine taking fossil fuel bribes (as an example) and condemning the rest of us to a fiery death that they won’t be around to witness. “Fuck you, got mine”

          • @[email protected]
            -72 months ago

            No, its cool to be ageist.

            “Boomers” are anyone older than me, and boomers are to blame for 90% of all problems.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        There’s a difference between Barron and Greta. It’s called speaking. Have you even heard him ever speak or give an opinion on anything? His mommy is the one that announced he doesn’t have time to do this.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago

      The youngest are effected more than anyone else by today’s political decisions. If anything they need more of a voice in politics.

  • @[email protected]
    262 months ago

    I’m with Melania here daddy trump probably hasn’t got long left even if he wins its not worth subjecting him to the media circus for nothing.

  • @[email protected]
    242 months ago

    According to one report, on January 6 Melania was looking at rugs. Nice to see that Barron is following the footsteps of his smarter parent.

  • @[email protected]
    232 months ago

    This pleases me. Good on you baron. You have your whole life ahead of you, no need to ruin by following daddy’s foot steps

    • @[email protected]
      51 month ago

      I was an 18 year old boy once. Getting laid was pretty high priority. Hitching yourself to the regressives will alienate kids his age, fucking up the priority.

      It’s bad enough the poor kid was born into this family. I’ll feel bad for him unless he embraces the bullshit. Hopefully his dad will die soon and he can try to be a good person.

  • @Tramort
    162 months ago

    Yes, this high school graduate has commitments that are more important than the older professionals that will be the delegates.

    Nobody in the trump circle can do anything but lie.

    Whatever Melania.

  • Flying Squid
    102 months ago

    I don’t know quite how you would do this, but I’d like a combination of this press release and the first press release announcing he would be a delegate set to the music of the song Dueling Banjos.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      It works as an AI music voodoo (thank you autocorrect) featuring Barron as the banjo boy and Tootsie as Ned the piggy fuckeer

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        umm, Ned was the pig. This isn’t Black Mirror. That had the British PM fucking a pig … on TV.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Oh, right. Ned was squealing like a pig.

          That still works while Stormy pegs Sleepy Don from behind.

    • @[email protected]OP
      42 months ago

      Damn, now I gotta go watch Burt in Deliverance again.

      Ps. Fun story about the making of the movie. So when the stunt crew was working on the waterfall scene they weren’t sure whether they should use a stuffed dummy or a person. They decided to try both in 2 separate shots, with Burt himself going over the falls after the mannequin shot.

      Afterwards the crew and director got together to see which shot was best, the dummy or Burt. Someone asked what the mannequin shot looked like and the director thought it was so-so. Then they asked about Burt’s shot. The director said it looked like a dummy going over the falls.

    • @Tja
      152 months ago

      It’s literally what happened. It wasn’t him who said it, it was the spokesperson for his mom.

      • Flying Squid
        202 months ago

        Which is what makes this so funny. First the Trump team issues a press conference that it’s happening then, apparently, Melania goes, “fuck no it isn’t!” and releases her own press release about Barron having “prior commitments” on the day his dad gets officially nominated for president.

        Just in case you were wondering how that marriage has been going.

        • @[email protected]
          71 month ago

          I’m not a fan of her, but this was a smart move to keep her son out of this political media circus if she cares about him. I doubt Donald Trump gives a shit about him, he just wants more of his family in power because he runs politics like the mob.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        I meant it more as “wow, I can’t believe MSM is treating her like an official liason for her own son”, more than a little (then quickly not) surprised they are treating her as a news source, and how many people pay attention to what comes out her mouth

        Edit- I’m trying to reply to you buddy, keeps putting it after my original comment 🤷‍♂️😁