Examples of an interesting computer programming paradigm.

  • @hardkorebobOP
    5 months ago
    Meta [
    	Title:   {Fizz Buzz math "game"}
    	Author:  "Kaj de Vos"
    	Rights:  "Copyright (c) 2021,2022 Kaj de Vos"
    	License: {
    	Notes: {
    For counter 100 [                                   ; Count to 100
        Third?: unless modulo counter 3 [write "Fizz"]  ; Display "Fizz" every third count; remember whether we did
        Any [
            unless modulo counter 5 [write "Buzz"]      ; Display "Buzz" every fifth count
            third?                                      ; Remember earlier result
            write counter                               ; Display the number if not third or fifth
        Write " "                                       ; Separate the displayed items
    Write new-line
  • I Cast Fist
    05 months ago

    I don’t accept Justine’s political bias, nor associate myself with the human or its corporate/flesh associates, or any of its beliefs, views, comments & opinions. I simply use a language that uses a brilliant piece of technological artistry developed by an amazing soul.

    That seems unnecessary to add in the Readme, I always thought people used other projects because they liked the project, not the person behind it.

    Other than that, the thing that’d interest me the most, graphical programs, graphical user interfaces, is mentioned only once and talking about REBOL. I’d like to see an example of code in this Meta for a simple window with 2 or 3 different input fields for a user.

    • @hardkorebobOP
      15 months ago

      Yes my point doesnt need to be made. I deleted that.

      • @Corbin
        25 months ago

        You’re not the only one to notice her politics. Don’t be ashamed of rejecting folks for hate.