• Jo Miran
    485 months ago

    I’m sure a Trump administration will really help the people of Gaza, the LGBTQ+ community, women’s body autonomy, etc. I guess they want 2000 all over again.

    • @[email protected]OP
      165 months ago

      A lot of younger voters don’t really remember 2000, where we had a protest vote going for Nader, which had the effect of throwing the election into the courts, enabling Bush to get them to install him in office.

      • @[email protected]
        105 months ago

        You’d think they’d remember what happened in 2016 when so many of us (myself included) went 3rd party as a protest too.

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          That was 8 years ago. There are people voting this year that were 10 when Trump entered office. Idk about you, but I wasn’t paying much attention to politics in middle school.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Unlike the genocider rapist? You know trump will send more weapons to Israel. It’s not like the assholes in charge of Israel will ever stop the genocide anyways. They’re villainous scumbags only slightly more cartoonishly evil than trump. He’ll also stop any resources to Ukraine and let Russia do whatever they want. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if republicans started sending supplies to Russia so they can win the invasion they started.

        Honestly, if you don’t know that trump is the worst possible choice in every fucking area imaginable, you haven’t been paying attention to who he is as a person or you’re a brainwashed sheep. He’s a shit stain. A pox on society. Just imagine if we had a competent president during covid. Would’ve had a hell of a lot less American deaths and wouldn’t have been shut down for so long. Not to mention the damage he’s done to our economy with his nonsense dumbass trade wars and tax cuts for the rich.

        • @[email protected]
          -125 months ago

          Lol, I’m a sheep for not wanting to vote for Biden? Says the sheep that’s vote blue no matter who.

          • @[email protected]
            85 months ago

            You’re just a Russian troll or a useful idiot for them. With the general election, anything but a vote for Biden helps Trump.

            • @[email protected]
              -85 months ago

              Sucks for yall then, maybe you should have pushed Biden harder to not commit a genocide if you didn’t want Ttump to win.

              • @[email protected]
                15 months ago

                So you want the genocide of Ukraine, think rape is ok, think the persecution of LGBTQ people is just fine? Because that’s how you are coming across

      • bobburger
        75 months ago

        As the dictator of both Israel and the United States all he has to do is turn of the Genocide™! What is he thinking leaving it on!

        • @[email protected]
          -115 months ago

          What was he thinking completely funding the genocide with our tax money then preventing the UN from stepping in and stopping it.

          Without Bidens support there is no genocide but I guess you prefer sucking Bidens dick while tens of thousands of women and children are blown to pieces with bombs we gave them.

          • bobburger
            65 months ago

            Right? Israel didn’t exist until Biden dreamed them up last October, and then those little rascals started Genociding™ right away. Since Biden is the only president in history, and Israel has clearly stated they’d stop the incursion if Biden asked really nicely, he could stop the Genocide™ anytime he wanted. Why isn’t he stopping it!

            Why oh why is Biden 100% funding the Genocide™? Everyone knows that Joey B is single handedly supplying all the military equipment Israel is using, like some kind of feisty Genocide™ happy elf from Santa’s workshop. Israel isn’t getting military and economic support from any other country besides Joe Biden, that dick (which I love sucking by the way)!

            I’m sure there’s no other world leaders with a close relationship to Bibi and a vested interest in getting Donald Trump elected president driving the Genocide™. Absolutely none at all. I’m sure it was just a tiny coincidence that the Iranian backed militia conducted an unprecedented terrorist attack after years of peace. Just in time to provide the Israeli prime minister in serious legal trouble with a desperately needed distraction that would allow him to cling to power as long as Joe Biden was Genocidin™. Why did Joe Biden make Hamas do that!

            If it weren’t for Biden I’m sure the UN would march in to Gaza and stop the Genocide™, just like they did for the Uyghur genocide in China, or Tutsie genocide in Rwanda, or the Darfuri genocide in Sudan, or the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar. But no Biden wouldn’t let the UN stop any of those genocides either, that bastard!

              • bobburger
                15 months ago

                Lol I’m glad we can be on team Genocide™ together. Have fun being on team rapist, team Gaza into beach front Israeli real estate, team turning America into a white Christian ethno state, team Ukrainian genocide, team LGBTQ+ hate crime.

                I think the neat thing is you aren’t in denial at all. You know full well Biden isn’t responsible for the Genocide™ in Gaza, your just using it as a thinly veiled excuse to evangelize your love of that orange Trump dick.

                • @[email protected]
                  -55 months ago

                  Biden out there sniffing little girls hair and rubbing all over them. Yall support a pedophile.

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        You’ll need to be more specific. When comparing two choices, it’s often beneficial to look at the differences rather than the similarities.

  • @[email protected]
    145 months ago

    If those people are dumb enough to think Trump would make them better off, fuck it… Burn the whole place down

  • downpunxx
    -375 months ago

    hahahahahaha, these ridiculous childish bourgeois antisemites are gonna push the “we want the fascist back” button, ahahahahahahah

    • themeatbridge
      445 months ago

      Treating all criticism of Israel as “anti-Semitism” gives power to actual anti-Semitism.

    • @Maddier1993
      135 months ago

      Keep laughing at the voters who actually care about distinguishing between anti-genocide and anti-semitism

        • @Maddier1993
          15 months ago

          What’s your reply to those who are already going to vote Biden (not me, ain’t from the US)? Do you have any coherent reply other than “Trump is going to be worse”? At what point do people like you stop talking over Biden critics and actually address his misplaced support for Israel?

          • Lilith
            25 months ago

            We already attempted this accelerationist approach in 2016 with Clinton and received Trump and things are much worse due to the 4 years of his first term. Trans rights, reproductive rights, minority rights, and so much more have been eroded in that time. Trump was also able to stack SCOTUS with conservative judges that will have lasting ramifications and two more justices are nearing retirement age in the next presidential cycle. If Trump is elected again, the court will become even more conservative with lasting ramifications that will nearly impossible to undo.

            Trump has outright stated he wants Isreal to finish the job and Netanyahu supports him. Biden is not perfect, but literally abstaining from voting for him will make the situation immensely worse for both Gaza and here in the US. To ignore that reality shows ignorance in voting as a single issue voter and shows you have nothing to loose from your privilege. I don’t have that grace as a woman in a red state now relagated as reproductive cattle nor do my Trans or Minority friends who just want to live as they are. Voting for Biden avoids the 2025 Handmaid’s Tale that the Christian Right desperately wants and still gives us the ability to complain his actions are not enough for Gaza. With Trump that ability absolutely dissolves.

        • @[email protected]
          -35 months ago

          Hey maybe if you don’t want Trump in office you should go protests bidens terrible policy. Or you can just shame people who can’t morally vote for Biden

        • @[email protected]
          -85 months ago

          I love how people like you whip out the “ur single issue votrrr” when we are talking about a genocide.