We toggled to 18+ and sort of let nature take its course by only enforcing TOS. I say “we” but in reality I was the only active mod on either sub, so I do feel bad for getting awkwardtheturtle banned by association (lol). After the fact got the "It’s not ok to show people NSFW content when they don’t want to see it.

Mods should not make malicious changes to their communities, such as allowing rule-violating behavior or encouraging the submission of sexually explicit (18+) content in previously safe-for-work spaces."

This is my first post, also fuck Spez

    • @[email protected]
      271 year ago

      Shittylifeprotip: if you run an unprofitable forum website, assert your dominance over your users by fucking with them. They’ll respect that you’re an alpha Chad and give you more money and views.

    • sadreality
      31 year ago

      Why do these LeAdERs always end up acting the same once exposed…

    • LUHG
      181 year ago

      The piracy one cracks me up the most. They literally copied and pasted a blanket statement without even acknowledging it was r/privacy.

      They could have just ignored it and it wouldn’t have caused as much backlash.

    • slicedcheesegremlin
      1 year ago

      The best part is that many of these are huge, moneymaker subs from the front page. Surely the average facebook-y lurker that Spez was pandering to will have noticed the drama by now as well.

      • Femboy
        21 year ago

        They will have noticed it, but will they care?

        • slicedcheesegremlin
          11 year ago

          If they can’t get their fix of Marjorie Tailor Greene getting SLAMMED on twitter or rage bait clips of some woman making a really bad food for clicks with sped up music posted from TikTok, they might.

    • slicedcheesegremlin
      101 year ago

      To be fair, the number of addicts still on that site and arguing in spez’s favor says he’s right.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I still don’t know if those are real users or their employees/bots, it seems too coordinated so I assume it’s bots.

  • Untitled9999
    231 year ago

    Is there actually a particular rule against turning SFW subs into NSFW subs?

    Or is Reddit just desperately trying to interpret their rules in whatever way they desire because they’re panicking at losing revenue?

    • rastilin
      301 year ago

      I don’t think there are any moderator rules at all. Reddit is just doing anything they can get away with, which is what corporations do anyway.

      I am a bit surprised at how slipshod they are about it though, I’d have expected them to hammer out an action plan and then trigger it all in the same hour, but we’re getting this slow trickle of changes which suggests that they don’t have a plan at all, but are just sort of flailing.

      • Nougat
        101 year ago

        … which suggests that they don’t have a plan at all, …

        That was apparent when they initially announced the exorbitant API charges with essentially zero notice.

        • NurseK
          101 year ago

          They clearly just never realized that what made Reddit valuable was the mods not the servers

      • Hyperreality
        1 year ago

        It doesn’t surprise me that they’re incompetent.

        There’s a prevalent misconception that the most deserving become successful, rich, powerful. That those running the world’s largest companies are especially talented, intelligent and hardworking. I suspect this is also why for a long time people assumed people like Boris Johnson, Putin or Musk were geniuses or especially talented.

        It’s an example of the Just World Hypothesis. A religiously inspired cognitive bias that leads people to think that people get what they deserve, that you reap what you sow, that what goes around comes around. It’s comforting to think that by being a good person, acting a certain way, and doing your best, you can prevent bad things happening to you. Of course, life doesn’t always work that way.

        The reality is that life is often unfair. Very talented, intelligent and hardworking people end up dead in a ditch. Utterly average people end up running billion dollar companies or even entire countries.

        To quote Jean-Luc Picard: “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life”.

        The opposite is also true. It is possible to get exceptionally far in life, with a bit of luck, nepotism, and by being a tool.

        TLDR: Steve Huffman will almost certainly continue to bungle this spectacularly. He will then be rewarded millions when reddit IPOs, millions for an entirely misjudged ‘effort’ that literally amounts to worse than nothing at all. That’s just how the world works.

    • quirzle
      151 year ago

      Is there actually a particular rule against turning SFW subs into NSFW subs?

      No, and historically it’s been the admins’ stance that it’s up to the mods to determine what is an acceptable level within the sub. They’re absolutely just making up the shit as they go and trying to retroactively justify their impulsive actions after the fact.

      • Hyperreality
        1 year ago

        What I don’t get is this:

        Previously, reddit admins could distance themselves from what the moderators were doing.

        You know plausible deniability. “We allow our users to post stuff, users moderate themselves. Oopsiedoodle. We allowed users to post pictures of underage girls on reddit for years, time to fire the volunteer mod responsible.”

        Obviously, anyone who’s been on reddit for a while, knows that’s bullshit. Reddit’s perfectly happy to profit off questionable and outright illegal content. But the admins had that excuse.

        But now they’re literally and openly forcing subreddits like /r/piracy to re-open.

        This strikes me as legally questionable. They’re not just tolerating or even condoning some of the more questionable content, they’re now actively promoting it.

        • PhoenixRising
          41 year ago

          Ad dollars. They’re losing money with the nsfw content because the ads can’t be shown next to porn. They still get plausible deniability with r/piracy.

          • abff08f4813c
            31 year ago

            I don’t understand how they get plausible deniablity with r/piracy if they kick out the existing mods and then run it themselves.

            But maybe that’s why they’re leaving the subs restricted and unmodded. Can’t be blamed for running the sub if you don’t actually run anything i guess.

    • mala
      91 year ago

      Reddit’s own guidance on the topic says the presence of profanity could cause a post or a sub to be NSFW.

      A moderator toggling their sub NSFW due to the presence of profanity would be fully in line with their own guidance, and I’m pretty sure r/shittylifeprotips had a little profanity. (Hint: it’s in the name.)

      Reddit is just desperately trying to interpret their rules in whatever way they desire because they’re panicking at losing revenue.

    • abff08f4813c
      11 year ago

      This appears to be a new thing, in the past flipping the status didn’t invite any response from the admins.

  • resonancewright
    211 year ago

    The funny thing is the bastards are still trying to pretend this is all just about people losing free access to the API, when it is now quite firmly about them and their plantation mentality toward users and their unskillful power tripping. It’s all how weak people think strong people act, and it’s equal parts infuriating and pathetic.

    • lamentforicarus
      41 year ago

      I wish there was a way for all users to grab their data back and agree to sell it back to reddit if they want to profit from it. They truly do not understand that people are mad because they are trying to profit off of free labor.

  • Alexmitter
    171 year ago


    Something we really should not take to kbin and lemmy is mods like this, spez can keep such mods.

    • Chaos
      11 year ago

      Getting awkwardtheturtle banned is a service to the community. The best news from reddit I’ve heard all year.

  • atocci
    151 year ago

    Hello and welcome, I think it’s nicer here. This new move by Reddit might just be the dumbest yet.

    • jaggazzOP
      171 year ago

      Thanks! I think it will continue to get busier here. I just saw a post that the entire mod team of /r/askmen just resigned.

      • samwise
        51 year ago

        God damn here’s hoping they setup shop somewhere here!

  • PabloDiscobar
    131 year ago

    Don’t make it too easy.

    Turn the nsfw on… then turn it off. Then turn it on again… then turn it off.

    They very likely have a detection, just mess with them a little bit.

    • abff08f4813c
      21 year ago

      Unfortunately they have a log. So they’ll know exactly what’s being done, when, and by who.

      Not saying it’s a bad idea, coz it isn’t. Just saying be aware when you do this so you can prepare for what’s coming.

  • NUL
    1 year ago

    This isn’t the first time reddit has removed moderators – I’m sure everyone remembers the_donald. While the td mods did get plenty of direct warnings from the admins, ultimately the admins don’t need to provide any form of warning. Reddit does own the platform (and your content), after all.

    Which is why we’re here!

  • Threat_Level_Midnight
    91 year ago

    I think it’s important to go through this process so that more visibility is placed on Reddit. I’ve deleted my account and am done with it, and I do think this may be the beginning of the end for that platform, but it’s clear it won’t go down without a fight and to suggest otherwise wildly underestimates how desperate Reddit’s execs may become when faced with the possibility of the platform’s demise. Even if it survives all of this, I think it and the perception of the platform will forever be changed.

    • lamentforicarus
      51 year ago

      I don’t think anyone truly believes the site is ending from our actions. It is more to trash the place on the way out. Reddit will make a clean sweep and everything will go back to their perception of normal, except a whole lot of active users will have left. It will sustain itself on bot reposts for a while, but in a couple of years the place will be boring and lack the humanity that made it great. People will wander off and end up where the humanity is, which might be the fediverse but maybe not. Everything is currently up in the air, but the shift has started. It’s like how everyone used Facebook until they didn’t. Sure, some people still use it, but a lot of people moved elsewhere.