Created using feedback from Maybe this can be useful.
Transcript: See something off? Do your part to keep the Lemmy community safe:
R - Read the rules of the community.
E - Explain your report, including rule # when possible.
P - Provide context the mods should know.
O - Opt-out, disengage, downvote or block. Don’t add to the drama.
R - Reach out or report right away. *For extremely time-sensitive content (CSAM, gore) DM an admin via Matrix: Instance homepage > Sidebar > click admin’s @username > Send Secure Message
T - Trust your instincts. If in doubt, report it.
Can i report without evidence?
as one of the instance mod/admin’s I’d say that evidence would help expedite the report process but it’s totally optional
depending on what the thing being reported is sometimes evidence isn’t needed
for anything that’s blatantly negative/unpleasant, evidence isn’t typically needed when reporting a post/comment
for anything else that someone might find subtly “off”, 2 pieces of evidence could help us figure out what’s wrong