User experience over marketing.
Here’s an example of the Dolby logo from another GameCube game that offered surround.
Is that the whole thing? I thought it would be a long screen with JUST Dolby. That’s like two seconds and has other credits on it. I don’t understand folks’ rage over that.
GREAT game
Honestly, 5.1 surround sound is worth waiting the extra like 2 seconds of the logo. The fact that the game only has mono or stereo sound output just because he didn’t want to have a logo on the screen for a few seconds is not putting user experience over marketing.
It would honestly make more sense that Nintendo told him he couldn’t add it because they didn’t want to pay for it and this is how he justified it to himself.
Most households have a TV with TV speakers, only capable of L/R. Why pay money and have people sit through a corporate short film for a feature most won’t use?
Its two seconds for the benefit of 5.1, so the people that have it can benefit. And the people that don’t can upgrade later.
Bear in mind that Kirby Air Ride came out in 2003, on a console that’s only meant to be hooked up to CRTs. How many users back then do you think would’ve had access to this feature in the first place? Or would still be playing this game if/when they upgrade later?
It was uncommon, but not so uncommon that it didn’t warrant being added to the game. Especially when Dolby was handing out licenses like candy apparently. I would imagine it was cheap to get a license, and would make some sense why Air Ride wouldn’t have it. Air Ride is my favorite Kirby game, but even I recognize that Air Ride is probably one of the lowest budget Kirby games.
That sounds a bit as if you were saying: The plebs shall wait for the joy of the wealthy.
The problem people have with your argument is not the existence of 5.1 surround sound.
Nor is it that the vast majority of households can’t afford a properly tuned surround sound setup instead of haphazardly throwing speakers around which arguably creates a worse experience than stereo.
It’s that the Dolby implementation requires publishers to license it and pay for an unstoppable ad that plays before every session, while benefitting only the petit bourgeois.
Notice how you reverted so quickly to your capitalist brainwashing. May be a good inspiration to see what other ideologies have been implanted into you.
It is two seconds.
Per use.
I strongly prefer 0 seconds.
deleted by creator
Negative change worms it’s way in through small defeats. The first DLC’s were a small price for a lot of content, the first YouTube ads were only a single ad that was just a few seconds long, the first video game preorders came with amazing rewards, etc. When you allow for 2 seconds, then what’s 3 seconds? What’s 4, 5, 6? What’s 30 seconds? What’s 2 minutes? We’ve seen examples of this all throughout capitalism’s history; to ignore them is, well, ignorant.
Not only is it just 2 seconds, but it’s 2 seconds while the game is no doubt being loaded into memory while it plays anyway.
This is like whining about the Pixar animation that plays before all of their movies (for much longer than 2 seconds).
Gamecube doesn’t have enough RAM to preload everything at startup like that, you have to go through the menus and pick a game mode and map to load.
Surely if it needed that startup load anyway, then Sakurai wouldn’t be saying he turned the license down in order to get players in the game faster. I’m going to trust Sakurai’s word here!
I would understand the complaint if it was longer, like 5 or 7 seconds long for just the Dolby logo. But its not.
Like, if seeing a logo for two seconds bothers you that much, better close your eyes when
drivingriding the buswalking around town, otherwise you might see a dreaded billboard or advertisement.
So many assumptions here.
Let me refute them through educated guesses.
- most people don’t have anything other than stereo
- most people don’t want anything other than stereo
- not everyone has the money to even get a decent TV, let alone 5.1 or God forbid 7.1
- Kirby does not focus an people with high end playback devices. It’s traditionally a kids game.
- 2secs Everytime you open the game can add up and be really annoying. Especially for kids, which are the core audience.
So because some people have a crappy home theater setup everyone should have a crappy experience?
Hey my setup’s great, I just don’t need 5.1 surround sound that bad
Without at least 5.1, why even bother playing games or watching movies?
From the pareto principle it can be said that if the cost for adding a feature for the little percentage of users is quite high, it is not worth it.
Who games on a 5.1 surround setup?
Except the 2 are not causally related. One can have 5.1 without the logo or, even worst, the waiting time.
Yepp. Surround sound is not tied to Dolby.
If it was money thing, couldn’t he just say “I needed as much coin as I could scrape up to get Sora from Disney” like he basically said with the last wave of DLC characters?
Maybe it’s my nostalgia glasses, but this is something I actually believe coming from Sakurai. The man almost hates useless ads as much as Lemmy users.
Nah, not for me anyway
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. This is a significant enough feature that a couple seconds is really not a big deal. There are likely time-wasters just as long, if not longer, elsewhere in the game and they do not contribute a much richer audio experience. While I’d love to minimize time wasting as much as possible, this is something that appears once on boot-up while I’m sure there are other time-wasters that appear multiple times while you’re playing the game. If they’re even a fraction of a second, they will quickly add up more than this logo’s time.
Donald Knuth has a great quote on this: “The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.”
Two issues though. Sakurai was taking about how he likes the ability to jump from game to game at an arcade and jump straight into the game. But a lot of console games had you go through intros, menus, tutorials, etc. And he didn’t like that, hence why he was saying he’d rather not have an extra logo screen to click through
The second issue was that the game in question was a GameCube game. It only outputs in stereo. Surround sound wasnt a common thing in games at the time. It would have been the old school Dolby Surround/Pro Logic II encoding. Most gaming setups didn’t have surround sound receivers or sound bars yet. Also, it’s a Kirby game. The target audience wouldn’t have cared
The arcade experience is fundamentally different from the console experience. Arcade games are generally crafted to eat quarters and kick players off as soon as possible without making them feel ripped off. Jumping in and out of games is common at arcades. While it’s nice to save that couple of seconds on a console game, it’s not something that adds up a lot unless you’re jumping between games a few minutes at a time, which again, is more like an arcade and doesn’t make as much sense in a console gaming context because you generally have a better idea of what games you own and want to play.
As for the second issue, if it was a feature that wasn’t worthwhile and that nobody cared about, then why was he considering it in the first place? There are many technical details in games that exist that casual players don’t pay attention to, but subconsciously would enjoy. Surround sound adds quite a bit to a racing game, considering that the entire game is about racing against other characters that are positioned all around you.
The perception of delay is a lot larger for a single initial delay than a lot of smaller delays within the game. It’s very noticable if a game takes 20 seconds to get past the intro screens, while it is barely noticeable if a quarter of a second of delay is added to the loading between each level, even if it adds up to a lot more than the initial loading screen.
Considering that the use of 5.1 surround would be a very rare case for the target aidience, I find the choice of dropping it to be excellent to enhance the experience.
Perception plays a huge role, that’s true, but I guess we’re just going to have to agree to disagree since it’s ultimately subjective.
Because Lemmy hates everything that isn’t FOSS. The more time I spend here, the more I see that it is no better than Reddit.
Nope. It’s just an unnecessary label which provides no additional features, i.e. no benefits. You can have Dolby sound without the Dolby label.
The title states “Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo” presumably because you actually cannot have Dolby sound without the logo. Yes, technically you could, but it’s likely part of the license agreement and so him refusing to display the logo as outlined by the license means he couldn’t use Dolby sound in the game (or would get sued if he went ahead and did it anyway).
Don’t like it? Write your own equivalent and selfhost it using my favorite distro. /s
Exactly. This place sucks just as bad as Reddit, and the only reason I don’t go back to Reddit is out of principle.
Cry moar!
deleted by creator
You can downvote me too, I don’t really care about imaginary numbers. No need to apologize.
I am just disappointed that Lemmy was supposed to be a better place than Reddit, but my experience on Lemmy has actually become worse than my experience on Reddit.
You say you don’t go on reddit out of principle. Now can’t you understand someone not wanting users sit through a 2 second pointless marketing animation, out of a similar principle?
You can downvote me too, I don’t really care about imaginary numbers. No need to apologize.
You care enough to be bothered with Lemmy.
I am just disappointed that Lemmy was supposed to be a better place than Reddit, but my experience on Lemmy has actually become worse than my experience on Reddit.
I mean, at least this can be fixed, you can’t really fix Reddit.
And I think we still have a better experience on Lemmy than Reddit, for starters we don’t have ads here wink.
TBH I agree with you, 2 secs doesn’t seem like a big deal to me, especially when many other awesome games implement it, but that could also be because I have been desensitized from the daily ads of my life (it used to be worse, I have an ad blocker for anything, but I still use open TV as a background noise and there are some other advertisements you can’t just evade).
I agree with the statement up here that when we allow these 2 secs it lets the path open for more annoying stuff in the future, but also it is ultimately a decision from Nintendo to continue the deal with them if it is annoying enough for most users.
I don’t care about the number. The frustration comes from people that act exactly as Redditors do. Lemmy users in this thread insulting and name calling, etc. I don’t care about the insults themselves (which are against communit rules), the fact that Lemmy was supposed to be “a better place” and yet the exact same crap is happening is what is disappointing.
Reddit is equally as fixable as Lemmy. Just because the primary owner of Reddit is a shareholder and the primary developer of Lemmy is a communist doesn’t make it easier for either to do anything. The fundamental problem is the users, the people hiding behind anonymity. They can be the absolute worst garbage being because they’re anonymous, instead of just being a decent human. Changing that people isntantly go to that rather than a kind human is the only real way to fix it, and in that regard Lemmy can never be fixed just like Reddit can never be fixed.
Lemmy was not always like this. But since about 7 or 8 months ago, it became this way. And there is no going back.
Find an instance that more closely aligns with your ideals then. Lemmy is not one place.
Based. Unskippable logo screens are a nuisance.
They’re so pointless too. What are they even expecting forcing them in our faces to accomplish? You either care about audio or you don’t. Seeing your logo isn’t going to change that
Yup. The game company intros are the first thing I edit out of a game’s config files. Especially if they’re unskippable.
PSA: On PS5, after launching your game, hit the PS button. If there are activities, you can probably hit square to resume. This speeds through all the startup wankery and the main menu straight to loading your save. It rarely saves time, but it means you can launch your game and walk away to get a glass of water or whatever. I enjoy it.
What a chad move
Things like these make might heart warm. They remind me of a time when video most games where about making a good experience for the users, not about endless MTX and soulless always online games that all try to be the same thing. Good to see that there are still some people in the industry, who carry own these principles.
well I guess it was because the person who spearheaded the game project was also someone who liked and knew what games were about. Now that it has become a lucrative industry, the whole dynamics has shifted to something else.
Fucking based
It’s especially weird to have all that time dedicated to something nobody cares about. Who goes looking to see if a game or movie was made using Dolby?
yea, ill go looking for great movies and games which have good Dolby Atmos… but once i buy it, i dont need to see a splash screen every time.
Wish we could have a single splash screen with all the bits of tech. then its only one, instead of screen after screen…
Anyone with good media equipment cares.
Anyone with good media equipment cares when they consider purchasing a game. Nobody needs this info every time they launch it.
Playstation 1 boot up sequence plays in background
The two go hand in hand. Want DolbyVision? The logo comes with that.
You don’t need to be reminded about sound encoding every time you boot the game even if you do care.
Dolby (and others) have determined that it is in the best interest of their brand to put this alongside developers, producers, publishers, and others. It is now part of their license agreement.
Okay, and their ego maniacs for thinking they’re that big of a part of the game to be credited everytime. That’s why most people in the thread applaud the move.
I don’t agree, but it’s good that you always have the option of not buying a game with a brief splash screen.
It’s good that creators have the ability to boot parasitic vendors like Dolby when their licensing agreements are insanely greedy too.
Ok boss, sure
That information belongs in the specs/feature list on the encasing, not in the fucking splash screen as dedicated video.
For the buyer that would be too late and for the one who bought it already and now wants to play it’s utterly pointless.
It’s on the box. In order to license it the grantor requires screen time.
No, the grantor requires fees. Screen time is just a bonus
You were down voted, yet here I am. A person who cares about surround sound options.
But do you as that person need to know that fact every time you launch the game or is finding out about it before you buy it from it’s technical information sufficient?
You can care about surround sound options, but a non skippable splash screen on every launch gives you zero information or use.
Nobody is advocating for the sound to play at startup. The comment that started this conversation specifically uses the word “looking”. We’re just saying people do pay attention to what kind of surround sound something has.
It must be weird to care about being reminded of what surround sound the game is using everytime u play it? Nobody’s saying they don’t care about sound quality, nor options. Idk how u can read this thread and that be your takeaway. It should be on the box/product description, no need for a splash screen in the game is what the argument is about…
I was originally responding to the comment about looking for surround sound options and was not trying to defend the sounds. Obviously, the info on the box is usually the best way to tell.
But as we discuss it, some use cases for the sound come to mind.
If the media is just a file on a hard drive or if the original packaging is lost or damaged, I might appreciate having the sound to indicate what settings to use on the receiver.
And honestly beyond all that… Who cares if somebody does like having the sound play every time? We all do weird shit.
Pro gamer move
The only thing worse than unskipable ads are the waiting screens (press a button to continue) in front of the loading screens.
I mean, the machine is capable of billions of operations per second. Why is it waiting for ME to push a button?
Dunno if you want a serious answer, but ‘press start’ titlescreens that start up an animation if you leave it unpressed too long are a throwback to when if a screen showed the same image for too long, it would fry the image on to the screen and leave a little ghost image, so screensavers were a screen saver. This allowed one to demo software and just leave it running without worrying about damaging the product hardware.
These days however it is totally unnecessary.So that if you leave the room to make yourself a tea or something while the game is loading, your won’t miss the cut scene / beginning of the action / lose the game because it started without you present.
It’s just an arcade feature that got brought over
At least some games parallelize this. The game then already loads assets, caches shaders etc while the intro rolls.
But however will it determine the player one controller … on a desktop computer?
I am so glad when a PC game just has the intro videos as separate file, always go there to delete them, I do it with every game.
That’s what integrity looks like
Now if they can just spread that to the rest of Nintendo…
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Most games don’t use Dolby anyway. It’s PCM (although the console can often convert to DTS or Dolby Digital if you have a crappy old sound system).
Dolby Surround was only needed for mixing the surround channels into stereo output.
Kirby sucks and blows anyway
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Oh, nvm, sorry
┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
This took me back so fucking far I’m so old
Lots of people ITT complaining that Lemmy is blanket anti-business, meanwhile I’m just surprised that something involving Nintendo isn’t being downvoted into oblivion
This place is getting more diverse, I like it
MasterHero SoccerGuy is too pure for downvotes.
I definitely wish there was more negotiation with tech library companies about this. It makes sense for movies - it’s a one-time experience, you only see the supporting studios’ logos one time, and it’s just building anticipation for the opening moments of the movie. But games are things people play twenty times a week. Someone might see the logos more if they play in shorter sessions, and maybe even avoid playing for a night because they’re familiar with the two minutes of setup to get to “actually playing”.
I even wish there was more effort to put gaming menus before the launch. A long time ago, Steam standardized a server picker for their own games, so you could skip “launching the game, hitting Server Browser”, instead just open the server list, double click one, and then that’s your “launching” task taking you to the thing you want to play. Even consoles could do this, even for games using matchmaking. I remember this being something the PS5 promoted in its menus but, not having a PS5, I’m curious if many games followed though.
You would think that the shit-shoveling marketeers would figure out that showing an unskippable logo does brand damage.
luckily, most games are easily modded: Just put a 1-2 frames black video file where the brand logos used to be. Done.
Sakurai is the goat.