Fuck Nestle
So say we all.
(well, except that one guy who down voted you)
Eh, nestle isn’t quite my type. Gonna have to pass
If “Nestle” is written on the package, don’t buy it.
Moreover, it’s dead simple to make iced tea at home, brew a gallon of strong black tea (way stronger as you normally would for hot tea) in a big pot, leave it to cool with sugar (to taste) and pieces of fruit (apple, orange, lemon…), put in the fridge when cold.
Enjoy, whenever you want pour a ladle into a cup or fill a reusable bottle to drink on the go.
I don’t know love this, especially since you get to control the sugar content.
I don’t understand why buy tea, it’s stupid easy to make in large quantities too, specially the quality that’s in nestea.
People would feel bad about shovelling teaspoons of sugar in it. Easier for the mind to just buy it and assume it’s beyond DIY.
It’s a cold alcohol-free bewerage like coke but seemingly healthier, that’s not as boring as just a bottled water? I see how it can be popular on the street, from vending machines and shops when it’s hot outside, but buying them in a quantity, for home, is beyound ridiculous imho.
it’s because people don’t have time to boil water, make tea, then cool it down again for ice tea. so they buy it finished or as powder.
they should buy another brand tho.
For me Nestea/Brisk/Sweet Tea in the US is often the only option when I want a super sweet fountain drink that doesn’t have carbonation in it.
So we can make you angry.
I was running low on anger so I appreciate you caring this much.
“Crap full of sugar that shouldn’t be named tea” is now a 20 pack: Goodflation.
But is it priced as 20 or 24-pack?
Priced as a 24-pack, advertised as an 18-pack with 2 bonus cans.
SMH at the marketing manipulation.
Remember that time a massive corporation chose to make less profits? Me neither…
Isn’t it only shrinkflation if the price stays the same or the price per unit goes up?
We usually get the option between 24, 20, 12 or 6 units here
were the cans there always that odd size or did they shrink, too?
Go metric when it suits.