Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Outlier1031@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    I’m sorry to put a dampener on everyones friday night, but I’m not coping right now. I feel like my life isn’t getting better I feel like the last few years I’ve been in this near constant state of fight or flight. I just wish my life would finally settle down. the last few years every time I think it has, something happens to cause chaos again. I’m just exhausted and stressed out and I don’t want to be here any more.

    • Duenan@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      I’m sorry you’re feeling that. I feel much the same at times.

      If you need let it out and talk to us as it sometimes can relieve some of the pressure.

      Just take the small pleasures in life as it comes and I hope that things will start to improve for you soon.

      You’re not alone.

    • SituationCake@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      The world is exhausting and hard, BUT, we can do hard things. It’s ok to be be exhausted and ok to rest. It’s ok to be mad at things. One thing at a time, even if it’s tiny, can change things. Talk to a health care worker if you can, see where things go. Sending warmth from a stranger.

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Hugs. Take a rest. Sleep more. Stop watching tv news or social media news, shut down unnecessary sources of drama. Control your mood by watching light hearted shows. This won’t change your situation but might help you feel more able to cope with life.

      if you can, see your gp and have a chat

      and hugs ,

    • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      It will pass, in time. I am sorry you are going through dark times, and it feels never ending. It will end, it will be okay.

      You are a human being, you are worth so much to this world. You mean everything to us here. Allow yourself to feel your emotions, but make no decision until after you have eaten and slept. Rest, self-care as much as you can, we love you. I love you. It will be alright. 💜💜

    • MeanElevator@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Life has been hectic and difficult recently. You’re stronger than you think by being here.

      No shame in venting your feelings, but things will get better.

      When? Who the fuck knows.

      But they will. Make sure you’re around for the good bits and the bad shit will seem like a distant dream.

      Look for the bright lights amongst the darkness

    • Llabyrinthine@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Hey, it’s not a dampener. Are you currently talking to anyone about your feelings, be it friends/family or professional? It’s hard to do things alone. If it’s hard for you to reach out right now, I’d recommend trying your best to build a routine around your health. It’s not a perfect solution or formula, but when things felt really out of control, I burned through a bunch of podcasts on neuroscience and anxiety and some books (which I didn’t always complete). I found that the sleep hygiene approach like trying to go to bed at the same time (I was trying to go to bed earlier to wind down), reducing screen time, cold water on my face in the mornings, self-care routine at least once a week etc were slowly having a positive effect. I haven’t got the names to credit all the things I’ve read/heard, but even the 30 mins off screens and setting your mind before bed can make a difference.

      When we’re low we often forget a lot of things that bring us joy and contentment. Try to remember the little things if you can.

      And please remember, no one here minds. Reach out here when you need.