I’m normally a straight vim user (just out of habit, no particular preference) and I’m giving neovim a spin. So far I like it but…

For the love of all that’s holy, how do I disable automatic indentation?

I have noautoindent set, nosmartindent set, filetype indent off, but neovim keeps inserting indentations. The only thing that works is setting paste on, but that’s not the right solution to this problem.

Please help. This is driving me nuts!

  • Oscar
    9 months ago

    Gotcha. That’s actually good because it will be easier to troubleshoot. I will try to reproduce in a barebones config and see if I can figure something out. What language are you editing, and what version of neovim do you use? Distro may also be relevant in case they package some indent.vim file(s).