• bruhbeans
    219 days ago

    My work gave me a 2024 MBP which has 2 usb-cs, a headphone jack and the magnetic power doodad on the left, 2 more usb-cs, an HDMI and a fuggin full-size SD card slot on the right. Nature is healing, I guess? I’d rather have a Framework running Linux…

    • @[email protected]
      118 days ago

      Yeah, even Apple had to walk that one back. Although you do have to pay for the more powerful machine to get those ports. It’s just an Apple thing to do. Take away a cheap thing for everyone and then make you pay handsomely for what you used to get by default.

  • @[email protected]
    69 days ago

    I honestly don’t mind combining the power and USB-c port - all my stuff is usb-c at this point.

    But there are just somethings that are usb-a. And I want HDMI for my external monitor.

  • comrade-bear
    69 days ago

    I’m impressed with how strongly people feel about this, I see that loosing ports is not nice, but USBC is dope as hell and in my eyes that makes up for a lot of the loss of of I/o, not the headphone Jack though, that one hurts a lot.

    • @[email protected]
      209 days ago

      ah yes the useless proprietary headphone jack (?) microphone jack (??) displayport (???) and ethernet ports (???) … which you can only replicate with USBC with expensive adapters 🤔

    • @[email protected]
      69 days ago

      While yes you’re right about usb-c being universal the question remains why there are just two of them.

      • @zero_spelled_with_an_ecks
        29 days ago

        Two is all you need. Plus a dock or dongle or hub or thunderbolt chain along with converters so things can plug into each other.