• @[email protected]
    6 days ago

    Or , hear me out, what if US auto makers stop trying to force overpriced oversized trash on us? Maybe try to compete?

  • Flying Squid
    586 days ago

    Yeah well, fuck the American auto industry for not joining the 21st century.

      • @[email protected]
        135 days ago

        I remember that time, when American car makers screamed bloody murder because Honda was killing them. Good times.

    • GingaNinga
      135 days ago

      Ya if they want to survive its time to adapt and compete. This is what complacency sets up and I don’t feel bad for them at all. They saw this coming and probably just sat there expecting a bailout.

      • @[email protected]
        35 days ago

        This is what happens when the one ring of profits rules them all. US automakers don’t give a shit about anything other than their bottom line.

    • @[email protected]
      5 days ago

      Because “free markets, competition, being voluntary” are propaganda by capitalists using their owned media and purchased government to make its victims double as its defenders.

      The goal of market capitalism is to end competition often by buying out up and coming rivals to kill the threat, manipulate the markets to your advantage using anything from bribery to cost benefit analysis of potential consequences/fines for sociopathic actions to potential profits, and conspire with your economic sector to coerce the workers you need into accepting less.

      This is just expanded indentured servitude with a marketing team.

    • @[email protected]
      175 days ago

      This isn’t competition, it sounds like the CCP heavily subsidises the manufacture, in an attempt to kill the American industry off.

      Thinking in decades or centuries is a very powerful tool!

      • @[email protected]
        154 days ago

        This isn’t competition, it sounds like the CCP heavily subsidises the manufacture

        China: “Here, have a bunch of cheap electric vehicles to replace your aging fleet of ICE engines. Don’t worry, we’re picking up a part of the tab.”

        Americans: “What a great deal! We’ll buy them in droves.”

        State Government: “Not so fast! This wouldn’t be fair to honest, hard working domestic car companies like Tesla and Volvo and Toyota.”

        Thinking in decades or centuries is a very powerful tool!

        Shame we’re only capable of thinking about the next quarter’s profits.

        • Lad
          104 days ago

          There’s something very amusing about the nominally communist China beating the capitalist powerhouse USA at its own game.

          • @[email protected]
            44 days ago

            Large professional centrally planned economies do a better job of managing scarce resources than a pack of ill-informed and uncoordinated Wall Street Lemmings.

            • @[email protected]
              44 days ago

              Sometimes. And when they dont, there is no one to stop them. It’s the age old problem of a wise despot. Just dressed in different clothes.

              • @[email protected]
                14 days ago

                It’s the age old problem of a wise despot.

                When you’re governing wisely, there is no need to be despotic. Conflicts and contradictions necessitate a large militant police state to keep the lower class in line. But when you’ve got generous surpluses and a rising quality of life, people are generally happy and easy to govern.

                • @[email protected]
                  24 days ago

                  Despot means you have absolute power. It doesn’t mean you use it badly. It just means you have the potential to.

      • @[email protected]
        114 days ago

        The US subsidizes their EV industry twice as much as China. The real why China can do this is because the US has gutted their industrial base in favor of financialization while China built up their industrial base.

        • @[email protected]
          -24 days ago

          Yeah, sure - that’s still China trying to undercut and ensure the US remains reliant on them long term…

          • @[email protected]
            74 days ago

            No that’s just the US not being competitive because stock buy backs and layoffs are easier than building good cheap cars.

            • @[email protected]
              04 days ago

              …or both. Think about it, if what you’ve said is completely true (I don’t disagree, BTW), why would they bother subsidising?

              They’re trying to ring fence the market. That the US is helping then is only vaguely related

              • @[email protected]
                24 days ago

                But it’s not both. How can you produce something for cheaper with less subsidies unless your just better at it.

                It’s like saying the winner of a race had an unfair advantage even after giving their opponent a head start.

    • @[email protected]
      245 days ago

      Because we don’t like free markets. We like the illusion of choice, but the security of monopoly.

    • Flying Squid
      85 days ago

      On top of the other things people are saying, I guarantee that the U.S. automakers will do a “China will take your jobs” thing if this happens.

      • FuglyDuck
        5 days ago

        Because they’d send them there… to save a buck.

        Or rather a whole lot of bucks.

    • @[email protected]
      35 days ago

      Because the US is an authoritarian pseudo democracy being run by cartels. And free market and capitalism is a death sentence for them.

      • FuglyDuck
        65 days ago

        It’s hilarious to me that you neglect to mention that the Chinese government is heavily subsidizing the vehicles specifically to undermine other automakers.

        Not that the US are the good guys here, but this is just more of the trade war crap between China and basically everyone else.

    • @[email protected]
      185 days ago

      For what it’s worth, a government can absolutely subsidized an industry in an attempt to capture a foreign market.

      There’s a reason Japan and Korea have their own auto industries despite being next door to the largest manufacturing nation on earth, and it isn’t because they’re somehow making and distributing them for even less than China.

      That being said, several automakers have blindfolded themselves about the type of cars people want. I do hope this threat is significant enough that automakers actually shift to mini-electric transportation options.

      If not, I’d be happy enough buying a small Chinese electric even if the taxes made it equivalent to a larger “western” vehicle. Because it’s what I want to have available to me and it’s nice to fuck capitalists with capitalism.

      • @[email protected]
        55 days ago

        It’d be nice if instead of putting massive tariffs, we would just subsidise production of comparable, small cars.

        • @[email protected]
          5 days ago

          its less about the subsidies and more that budget buyers in the U.S in particular are very picky buyers.

          while the federal/state EV tax credits, you can get vehicles like the Chevy Bolt for 20-22k. regardless the car still isnt that popular (meaning theres something specific about the car that buyers dont want).

          for those buying used cars, theres not mamy reasons why someone would buy a say new 18k-20k EV that had many cuts in design vs an older premium EV. Used 2016 Model S for example can be found near 16k. its a new cheap car vs used premium car debate

          this places a burden any any auto maker trying to make a budget car, because in order for it to sell well, they need to have razor thin margins, and sell a lot. failure to do so would spell the end of your compamy due to how many you produced.

          • @[email protected]
            34 days ago

            I feel you strongly misunderstand the financial position of a lot of americans. They buy what they can afford, and would love a cheap new option in the market.

            • @[email protected]
              4 days ago

              those who are in the budget state of mind is more likely buying a used vehicle over a brand new one. again, its the situation of a cheap new vehicle with a lot of cuts vs old vehicle that was considered premium. companies dont want to make a new cheap car because they have to compete with old premium ones.

              when both the nissan leaf and chevy bolt guaged the market for a cheaper ev, they werent popular to the point where both models were canned, the leaf with no future date of return, and the bolt which chose not to have a new yearly model and will consider a newer one later. Fisker bankrupted itself out of the market, other external conpanies like kia arent importing their 20k evs like thr EV5 nor Ray EV for telling reasons, because the US market is extremely picky about what kind of car theyll buy.

              the prices on cars in china are post government subsidies, and its already proven time again that when a BYD car gets moved elsewhere its real price is higher (sits closer to 20k rather than 12k) which would not put it that far from existing budget cars post federal subsidy.

              keep in mind the american buyerbase is very politically charged. Conservative opinions have outright said they hate the push towards EVs, of those left, many have the common U.S mindset, that is they will only buy SUVs or Crossovers. then you have the section that will refuse to buy a car without a certain amount of capacity, which is why you can buy cars with 140-150 mi capacity outside of the U.S but its basically non existant within it. Its basically only the U.S market thats extremely picky with these kind of stuff, where drivers heavily value leg room and size over cost/efficiency

    • @[email protected]
      125 days ago

      June 11th 2024 GM announced that the board approved a 6 Billion dollar stock buyback plan.

      That is a direct wealth transfer from the company to the owners.

      We have met the enemy, and they are us.

        • @[email protected]
          55 days ago

          And this is why we will bail them out again.

          That 9 billion could have been spent on making a low cost EV to compete. It could have been spent as retention bonuses for their best workers. It could have been spent so many things that would secure their future in a changing world.

          • @[email protected]
            35 days ago

            I think it’s as true for government as it is for corporations. Nobody is the adult in the room.

    • sunzu
      45 days ago

      God forbid these parasites have to compete.


      • @[email protected]
        05 days ago

        Are you arguing there’s no competition in the US or are you arguing that China should have to compete without the subsisides?

        • sunzu
          15 days ago

          My thesis is that China’s biz took state aid and made into something…

          We provide state aid to our industry and they just sole that money, now that China is caught up, they are crying for more state aid.

          Another example Intel, blows 50 billion on stoke buybacks, tax payer gives them 35 billion for fabs in US, Germany gives them 10 for one in Germany.

          Clown capitalism right there.

  • @[email protected]
    4 days ago

    They should be very concerned. However they have the advantage of time, place, protectionism. They already have factories and employees. The technology is known. They’re admitting they are aware of the market. The only way they can lose is if they don’t even try ….

    We’ve spent years saying how short sighted they are to not be able to look ahead of the immediate term, now they’re admitting they can’t even look ahead 2-3 years

  • @[email protected]
    5 days ago

    I doubt I will ever buy from the Big 3 again. Bailout parasites. Tried of these piece of shit too big too fail corps pulling this crap.

    My next car will be a Chinese EV, if I have to drive it over the Mexican border myself.

    • @[email protected]
      95 days ago

      This opinion is ridiculous as “the big 3” doesn’t even exist anymore and hasn’t for over a decade. Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep is owned by a Scandanavian company.

      Also this isn’t written to protect the few remaining American companies, it’s to protect the entire auto industry in the US including Kia/Hyundai, VW, Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, BMW, Subaru, etc.

      China selling vehicles with massive subsidies that allow them to undercut everyone else in the market isn’t good for anybody but China because as soon as they put their competitors out of business, they will jack the price of their cars up as high as they want.

      This is the same reason why when Walmart comes to a new town, all the similar local businesses shut down because it’s impossible to compete with their deep pockets, but now you’re advocating for it on a national scale which will potentially cost hundreds of thousands of domestic manufacturing jobs.

      • Flying Squid
        85 days ago

        isn’t good for anybody but China

        It’s good for all the Americans who want an EV but can’t afford any of the few models that are out there that you can legally purchase in the U.S.

        • @[email protected]
          5 days ago

          There are dozens of models out there already and the used market is growing day by day. Why does everyone need a brand new car and how does building a brand new car for everyone while scrapping every existing car reduce emissions?

          At what point in history have brand new cars ever been obtainable for the masses?

          • Flying Squid
            35 days ago

            We’re talking about new Chinese EVs vs. new American EVs. So obviously we are talking about new cars here. As the article says, you can get a brand new Seagull in China for around $12,000 and around $21,000 in Latin America. I can’t think of a new American EV that comes even close to that price point.

            • @[email protected]
              -24 days ago

              You were talking about Americans who can’t afford to buy the new EVs currently on the market here in the US. Again, I’ll ask when were new cars ever obtainable for most people and why can’t a used car fill that need like it always has in the past? Seems preferable to decimating the entire industry and all those union jobs just so that China can dump a bunch of their inventory here at artificially low prices.

              A Leaf is $29k before the $7500 in federal credits, which puts it pretty close to that $21k price point you mentioned and the Bolt EV was going for $26k before the $7500 credit. Seems like there are options available in this range but the people buying these cars are going for more expensive options based on sales numbers.

              • Flying Squid
                4 days ago

                Seems preferable to decimating the entire industry and all those union jobs

                Oh, look what I predicted when this thread was initially posted. I just didn’t know people would be doing it on their behalf in this very thread:

                On top of the other things people are saying, I guarantee that the U.S. automakers will do a “China will take your jobs” thing if this happens.


                If you don’t want to lose jobs because of this, nationalize the auto industry. It sucks that workers could lose their jobs because of this, but your reasoning is some “too big to fail” nonsense, especially when it includes federal credits to buy a car. That’s not going to keep auto jobs in America. Getting with the modern era rather than trying to sell everyone giant, polluting cars and trucks they don’t need will do that. If you want this to remain a capitalist enterprise, it’s no one’s fault but their own if they get out-competed by China.

                • @[email protected]
                  4 days ago

                  I really can’t comprehend why people think this is protectionism for US automakers as there are very few of them, GM, Ford, and Tesla. There are over a dozen more that aren’t US companies that still manufacture here that such a tariff would also protect, which is why people are talking about protecting the market not a couple of US companies.

                  How does nationalizing the auto industry fix anything and what companies are you even talking about here?

                  You talk about the modern era and what people want but this is in stark contrast to what these same people actually buy. You act like people are forced to buy the vehicles that sell the best when in reality it’s a voluntary decision and they sell the best because that’s what people want.

                  What you’re arguing for here is exactly the same thing that companies like Walmart do to small towns when they move in. Suddenly every local competitor is out of business, their employees wind up working for Walmart and spending their Walmart pay on items from Walmart. The town suffers while the owners prosper. This is like the textbook definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face all so you can selfishly and ignorantly buy a new car at a discount price.

                  This isn’t “out-competing the US market,” it’s the Chinese government decimating the US market and then controlling it. Your solution seems to be raising taxes or cutting services in order to funnel taxpayer money toward automotive companies. Sounds like something Trump would come up with. Why don’t you stop beating around the bush and just say you think we should bust up the unions and slash worker pay so that we can have cheaper cars and win this race to the bottom?

      • @[email protected]OP
        5 days ago

        At this point I believe its the international market that is subsidising Chinese EVs. Take a look at the byd dolphin mini / seagull. It is priced starting at $21,000 in mexico while the price in China is from $9700. You find many other examples of the same car models sold at much higher price overseas than locally in China.

        • @[email protected]
          15 days ago

          for some of the vehicles its due to car saftey regulations, so modifications are needed to legally be sold in some regions. the regulations on vehicles in china are less strict than some other countries.

  • Feliskatos 🐱
    105 days ago

    China seems to be succeeding in EV vehicles, not just cars, airplanes too. I’m sorta pining for the days when we were talking about a North America Union. These days its all about protectionism and wars. :(

  • @[email protected]
    5 days ago

    The Earth is 🔥burning🔥, by our own hands, and we’d still rather play team sports for greedy sociopaths than prioritize even doing it a little slower with cheap EVs.

    The Earth will heal in a few million years once we’ve destroyed ourselves. ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

    • @[email protected]
      25 days ago

      How does buying a cheap new car even if you don’t need it going to save humanity or prevent the earth from burning?

      • @[email protected]
        5 days ago

        The US is trying to keep these tiny ones out because they want you you buy their big gas vehicles or larger, more expensive electrics. Larger vehicles consume more resources, take more to produce, and even large electric vehicles draw more from the dirty grid than a small personal conveyance like these designed to move you and your groceries.

        And that’s a strawman to infer that our self-destruction hinges on this single point. This is yet another example on the heap of the larger problem. “it might hurt short term PROFITS for our greed mongers, so we won’t allow something that might begin to mitigate the scale of the problem.”

        That said, it sounds like you agree with them, and if that’s the case, I have good news, they’ll continue to get their way in every economic sector, and yes, cumulatively, our species is paying and will pay an even greater price for allowing blind, insatiable greed to make every decision.


        If we cared about having a future for the species at all, Humanity’s only mission right now would be to END the global economy’s jihad of growth/metastasis, every major nation would institute child limits, and we would work to end consumerism and find homeostasis/equilibrium instead for the sake of our very survival, because this reverse terraforming we’ve done in decades will take millions of years for the earth to heal from. That’s nothing to Earth’s 3.8 billion year old story of life, but it might as well be eternity to our short term monkey brains. Our reality, our world will continue to heat, and if we stopped tomorrow entirely, would take many times longer to go back to normal than our species has existed for.

        But as common economic decisions like this demonstrate, we have decided to burn the future so as not to disrupt the reckless party of avarice and gluttony for our owners today. Is what it is.

        • @[email protected]
          -15 days ago

          There are numerous small vehicles for sale in the US already but nobody buys them because they want a vehicle that’s good at more than one thing (being small) when forking over tens of thousands of dollars for it. Nobody is legislating to ban small or efficient vehicles they want to ban a foreign country from manipulating our markets by selling vehicles at artificially low prices due to billions in subsidies for their national brands.

          This idea that if we simply threw out all 200+ million vehicles in the US and replaced them with new, more efficient ones, global warming would suddenly end is ridiculous. This is just consumer mentality and treating cars like disposable iPhones with the mindset that you’re “being green.” If you want to help curb emissions, go buy a used Prius or EV instead of demanding that a factory build you a new car and do so at an artificially low price. Go buy a bicycle or electric scooter. You’re not reducing emissions by destroying a product that has already been built and is in good condition just to replace it with a newer version.

          I didn’t bother reading the rest of your comment since it devolved into unhinged rambling.