Pydantic, Inc. is seeking feedback on their development roadmap. Features currently proposed:

  • Python Analytics/Observability — a logging and metrics platform with tight Python and Pydantic integration, designed to make the data flowing through your application more readily usable for both engineering and business analytics.
  • Data Gateway for object stores — Add validation, transformation and cataloguing in front of object stores like S3, with a schema defined in Pydantic models then validated by our Rust service.
  • Data Gateway for data warehouses — the same service as above, but integrated with your existing data warehouse.
  • Schema Catalog — for many, Pydantic already holds the highest fidelity representation of their data schemas. Our Schema Catalog will take this to the next level, serving as an organization-wide single source of truth for those schemas, tracking their changes, and integrating with our other tools and your wider platform.
  • Dashboards and UI powered by Pydantic models — a managed platform to deploy and control dashboards, auxiliary apps and internal tools where everything from UI components (like forms and tables) to database schema would be defined in Python using Pydantic models.