Full credit to reddit user freswood who attended this event and provided these details.

I was fortunate enough to attend Ross Coulthartā€™s event in Melbourne today. It was absolutely fantastic. Below are my notes from the Q&A session.

  • He knows specifics around the type of NHI (I assume heā€™s referring to aliens vs AI etc) and soon heā€™ll reveal more info. Thereā€™s a ā€œgood reasonā€ he hasnā€™t said specifics, to protect sources and methods.

  • Heā€™s heard lots of conflicting info about timelines eg 2027. Heā€™s heard dates from 2026-2036 in regards to the world ending, nuclear war, etc. It sounds like he doesnā€™t put much stock in this due to the conflicting dates.

  • He put forth the idea that NHI/UAPs could be presenting to us as technology, ie something we understand. He spoke about consciousness, which went over my head a bit, so if anyone else was there today and has more info thatā€™d be ace.

  • Ross briefly spoke about the possibility of greys being future humans.

  • Heā€™s worried about risk of accidental nuclear war. A country might assume that a UAP is something from an unfriendly country and launch a nuke in retaliation.

  • The videos taken by the Elgin pilots (that Luna, Burchett, and Gaetz were blocked from seeing) are ā€œshockingā€. The videos were taken with the pilotsā€™ mobile phones and show objects engaging with planes. Ross has seen these videos.

  • In regards to the recent shoot downs in Alaska, heā€™s heard that two were prosaic and one was anomalous, described as a tic tac.

  • Ross spoke about a sphere that was sent off for testing, which is something Iā€™m not familiar with, maybe someone can explain the backstory. Heā€™s seen it in person and it moves around, seemingly if its own accord. He said itā€™s currently being analysed, and to ā€œwatch this spaceā€.

  • When asked why he said ā€œWatch Donald Trumpā€ at the end of a podcast, he said Trump had been ā€œbacked into a cornerā€, but didnā€™t go into any further detail. Heā€™s been told by 3 sources that Trump was briefed about UAPs in early 2020. Heā€™s been told less info than other presidents in terms of reverse engineering.

  • In terms of what we can do to help, he suggested writing physical letters (not emails, since theyā€™re more easily ignored) to media outlets, asking why theyā€™re not covering this story. For those of us in Australia, he suggested writing to ABCā€™s Four Corners. He also suggested we should write to Kirsten Gillibrand, ministers of defence, and prime ministers, as examples.

  • Afterwards at the book signing I told him Iā€™m feeling scared by all this, and asked whether I should feel scared. He said heā€™s not scared.

Hopefully I captured everything correctly but please let me know if I didnā€™t, or if you have anything to add.