I’m starting to create managed user accounts for my two daughters on plex. They are 7 and 4, so movies I’m giving them access to consist mostly of Pixar/Disney type stuff. Well, when I log into their users, it has recently added movies and TV shows, which show appropriatle the things I’ve given access to from my server. But below those it has “Binge Worthy Shows” “Plex Picks” “Summer Lovin’” and a few others which are all hosted “(on plex)” It even is advertising “The Marksman” right now, which is a guy holding a shotgun on the cover.

Is there a way to turn off those (on plex) suggestions so it ONLY shows the movies that exist on my server? Ideally I could just turn off those suggestions on a user basis as well.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

  • Wyatt
    2 years ago

    Settings -> online media sources

    You can disable all that stuff there.