i also use arch and firefox/mullvad browser do take a lot longer to launch than normal. my problem could be some dependency missing (ive already got problems with video codecs i have no idea how to fix) or a broken swap partition. So, does reinstalling firefox help? and do you have a swap part? if yes, how big did yoy make it?
40 seconds? I’ve never experienced that with Firefox at all. You’re either being hyperbolic or have an ancient computer. I have a Samsung Windows 10 machine from 2015 that opens Firefox just as quickly as it opens Chrome.
40 seconds startup?! What? Should open within like 2-3 Seconds. 5 if your system RAM is maxing out.
Abou locally developed extensions, you will need to follow the specific developer directions on that. But if you code, you should’ve figured that out already. If not, you tried doing shady things, which Firefox rightfully blocked.
I also experienced this, and immediately after a reinstall, Firefox decided that it didn’t like to be reinstalled and bricked my OS. I had to completely reinstall it because the boot section was nowhere to be found, and barely any data was salvageable.
So, even if Chrome is bad, I prefer to use Ungoogled Chromium or other chromium forks that don’t nuke my computer than using a browser that has consistently given me extreme problems.
I just tried Firefox: Startup took around 40 seconds, UI was not responsive at all, and I couldn’t install locally developed extensions.
Snap version?
Ubuntu moment
Nope, right from the repos.
Ubuntu ships Firefox as a snap now so you have to get it from outside of the repo if you want it to be normal.
I’m on Arch.
There’s a few suggestions about debugging it in Fedora, you should be able to replicate most of them. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_debug_Firefox_problems
i also use arch and firefox/mullvad browser do take a lot longer to launch than normal. my problem could be some dependency missing (ive already got problems with video codecs i have no idea how to fix) or a broken swap partition. So, does reinstalling firefox help? and do you have a swap part? if yes, how big did yoy make it?
What’s your DE?
No DE, just Openbox.
Me too, never slow. Is this machine really old?
40 seconds? I’ve never experienced that with Firefox at all. You’re either being hyperbolic or have an ancient computer. I have a Samsung Windows 10 machine from 2015 that opens Firefox just as quickly as it opens Chrome.
Nope, neither. But since I don’t get any console output I have no way to debug this.
And what about the second time you started it and it didn’t need to build a user profile first?
I thought the same, but no, takes that long, too.
Its less than 1 second on my wife’s 2011 laptop, something is wrong with your system
I use Firefox daily on 5-7 different machines. It’s your machine, not the browser lol
But I wonder, why. No other application behaves like this. Even heavyweights like Kdenlive start up within 2-3 seconds.
Unfortunately Firefox does not print anything out on command line so I have no way to debug this.
40 seconds to boot? I’ve never experienced this even on my 20 years old potatoe. I find that very hard to believe.
Yep. I don’t think it’s a performance issue. But I don’t get any logs either.
40 seconds startup?! What? Should open within like 2-3 Seconds. 5 if your system RAM is maxing out.
Abou locally developed extensions, you will need to follow the specific developer directions on that. But if you code, you should’ve figured that out already. If not, you tried doing shady things, which Firefox rightfully blocked.
I also experienced this, and immediately after a reinstall, Firefox decided that it didn’t like to be reinstalled and bricked my OS. I had to completely reinstall it because the boot section was nowhere to be found, and barely any data was salvageable.
So, even if Chrome is bad, I prefer to use Ungoogled Chromium or other chromium forks that don’t nuke my computer than using a browser that has consistently given me extreme problems.