You may have heard of third places before, but in case it’s new to you, they’re essentially community spaces where you can chill & socialize…Like here, I suppose! But typically they refer to in-person community spaces.
Does your area of the world still have a number of these, or are they in the decline? Do you know if your in-person communities are trying to establish or renovate theirs to help people connect or reconnect with one another?
Certainly an idea! And I agree, it’s an uphill struggle for each area, but it’s well worth it if it brings folks together. Hell of an anecdote it brought you, that’s for sure!
Reminded me of how there’s a sort of recreation spot in a city near me where thanks to working with another organization they were able to get enough funding to make entry fees almost nothing, and I think some days or for folks of certain ages, even free. Just before the pandemic I’d gone a few times to check it out, and it was a nice place!
What was even better is it offered some teens a first job if I’m not mistaken, giving them a place to work that wasn’t a lousy fast food place or retail.