Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ linked to low birth weight, reduced sperm counts and infertility

Several brands of condoms and lubricants contain alarming levels of toxic PFAS “forever chemicals”, including styles of Trojan and K-Y Jelly, new research finds.

The testing conducted by the Mamavation consumer advocacy blog comes just as researchers found human skin absorbs the chemicals at much higher levels than previously thought.

Penis and vagina skin is thin and the organs have a high level of blood vessels, which makes them particularly dangerous organs to expose to PFAS, Linda Birnbaum, a science adviser for Mamavation who previously ran the Environmental Protection Agency’s toxicology program, wrote in the report.

    8 months ago

    I mean, don’t you? Hahahaha! Yeah, I mighta had it wrong but I think I read something like the coconut oil can mess with your good bacteria and throw your ph off (which I am going to guess causes a yeast infection). But either I am not using enough, or da pussy strong. Which ever. Eh!

      8 months ago

      lol. Nah, you had it right. I was on edibles and made an O’Keefe inspired joke that didn’t land. Flora is a perfectly acceptable word for the critters that live in/on our bodies.

      I’ll have to check back in about coconut oil. One of my partners was very prone to yeast infections, and short of glycol / glycerine / paraben / fragrance-free, water-based lubes, coconut oil was the only thing we could reliably use that wouldn’t cause an issue for her. (Short of one lube that was often out of stock locally, and a bit spendy.)
      But that was a dozen years ago. And if there’s one thing I know, it’s that easily half of what I know is now wrong or comes with asterisks that weren’t there before.