Well, I’m pleased with #Zed, but you ain’t programming “at the speed of thought” yet.
After so many years of software development, small helps are what free your mind. #ZedEditor is not there yet.
After that comes performance. It’s known that @jetbrains usage of JVM is a resource hog.
If Zen can add the same QoL improvements with great performance, I’m in.
#Programming #Development #Software #Editors #IDE #Javascript #PHP #Rust #Go #HTML #Vue #React #Angular #WebDev
@darkghosthunter @JonGretar @BatmanAoD
The “runnable” gutter icons in UI work via built-in task(s) so you can add new ones to run test at line (sh cmd) - also by file or outline symbol but last is subject to LSP accuracy
Task rerun is helpful but the labeling in list can be confusing
A fairly young project but improving fast
@Sci_Phi @JonGretar @BatmanAoD I think I get it. Anyway, I’ll give it a spin next week and see how things improved, but until then, PHPStorm it’s my daily driver since I can work faster.