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Effective software development hinges on acquiring domain knowledge, as programmers and their managers must understand the practical realities of the industry to avoid building ineffective or unusable software; without such comprehension, software may not serve its intended purpose, highlighting the non-negotiable need for domain expertise in programming.

  • Yours Truly
    21 year ago

    This is a good take. All of programming is ultimately just tools to solve a problem, and if we don’t have domain knowledge, we can’t effectively solve the problems that we set out to in the first place.

    Really hit the nail on the head about the “invisible decisions” which happen like the quality vs quantity with sails.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    I’ve worked on a commercial project that started with nothing but domain knowledge and perseverance. The end result was hideous and inefficient, but it was enough to get a successful company started. It’s the ugliest code I’ve ever seen, but it’s hard to argue with results. At least in this case, domain knowledge was more important than any software engineering ability would have been.

  • @keef
    11 year ago

    This is a great read.

    I would bring up something like this in some of my junior interviews from being self taught. I would call it “unknown unknowns” but never made the jump to Domain knowledge which I’ve heard now

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Domain knowledge is a force multiplier. Ideally you would have both lots of domain knowledge and a strong engineering team, but lack of one can be substituted with a lot of effort.

    The caveat being that if you have the engineering side, the end result of the effort will probably be a bunch of domain knowledge 😅