• Einar
    2 months ago

    That’s still more than 10 years from now!

    Let’s cross that bridge when we get there, what do you say? We have bigger fish to fry than worry about something more than a decade away.


  • @[email protected]
    92 months ago

    So what’s going to take us out first? Water wars, insect collapse, ocean warming, climate change, forever chemicals, micro plastics…

    • Einar
      72 months ago

      …pandemics, nuclear war, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, cyber warfare, antibiotic resistance, political instability…

      Spoiled for choice here.

  • @Mikina
    52 months ago

    What exactly would the collapse cause? Article mention polar ice creeping up to northern England, and temperatures dropping. Would it mean that you’d basically get ice age in half of Europe? How I understand it, you’d gat extreme cold in the north, and extreme (not survivable) hot around the equinox. So, mass migration from both into the central eruope, where the weather would be extreme hot but survivable in summer, and super cold in winter? More storms, typhoons, and in general a really bad time, due to drought and crops gerting fucked?