Hi all, I know this question has probably been posted on the internet millions of times, yet I would like to receive some Lemmy-oriented answers. :) What are your favorite places, websites, or creators for discovering new games in your favorite genres?

  • ByteOnBikes@slrpnk.net
    7 months ago

    I think I’m on the cutting edge of game releases, mostly focused on indie games. I have a huge Steam collection. This is also my nerd hobby.

    Im subscribed to a bunch of game sales (like isthereanydeal) and casually browse steam pages every few days. I often play a genre then search for “games like X”. Lately it was metroidvania games. I found a game called Rabi-Ribi, which looks really uncomfortable to play. But the reviewers said to skip the dialog and ignore the loli, because it has really strong game mechanics. (And it does!)

    Searching for indie games using steamdb with under 5000 reviews (lately I’ve been searching for games under 500 reviews), and checking them out.

    I also make indie games as a hobby (nothing fancy!), so I like to look for inspiration from other indie game developers.

    Lastly, Rock Paper Shotgun or Giant Bomb covers any big budget games I should know about.