So, I’ll start. I have 3 devices that I’d say are tied for best

First, my n3ds xl. Beautiful handheld, clamshell, just a nice piece of hardware. If the cstick didn’t suck itd be the sole winner. My 3ds has served me very well

I also like my rp4 pro, just a great all round emulation machine. And a functional second analog stick, its almost like analog sticks are meant to be sticks and not pencil top erasers

I also like my ambernic sp, got it recently. Looks cool. And clamshell so yippee

As for the worst, I have a few:

Mandatory jab at the switch. Not awful but cmon, the controls suck

The leapster explorer. Shitty dpad. Insane power consumption, it s afun gimmick, jut kinda useless.

Then I had this little system from lexibook, the “compact cyber arcade” or something. Was silver and white, appeared to be 16 bit. Really shit controls. Buttons weren’t even labeled. It also just randomly died after about a decade, but I can’t fault it for that I guess.

I also hate tiger handhelds with a passion. Like ignoring the awful game, the controls just SUCK I didn’t even pay for the one I do have and I still feel scammed

  • Dizzy Devil
    7 months ago

    Least favorite has to be a tie between switch joycons in general and the circle pad on 3DS.

    Joycons on their own are too small to be all too comfortable disconnected and connected they’re slightly better since I can position part of my hand on the back of the switch, so there’s at least that.

    And with the 3DS circle pad, it’s just nowhere near sensitive enough. Movements feel too quick, with little to no control over how far the pad move, in my opinion.

    As for favorite, I’ll say that in general I absolutely hate track pads and everything they stand for, but steam deck is the only exception. With most track pads I’ve used recently outside of the steam deck, I have trouble clicking since the mouse buttons are built into the track pad and half of the time feel like they don’t work. Though with the deck I find it real easy to just click pretty much anywhere on pad and it’ll click for me.

    Only problem I’ve had with deck pads is that sometimes the click is a bit too sensitive for me, so I’ll sometimes accidentally click while on the onscreen keyboard by accident or click while playing a game like Gemcraft, making me deselect a gem or power up while dragging over.