This post sounded better in my head now it just feels foggy and hard to type but I am giving it a try anyway, I just don’t know how to feel anymore I feel alone, sad and I know I am ugly and my transition didnt even do anything. In general whats killing me is I cannot find a decent job, or even any job for that matter, and I just feel like my autism makes it so no one ever get’s close to me and everyone secretly wants me gone.

I feel like my transition failed, I have been on HRT for 2 and a half year and only gotten very minor results, yes I have talked to my doctor but they really don’t listen and I spent so much money on healthcare. I just look in the mirror and I see someone who is quite ugly and generally considered unattractive by all. My dysphoria is always really high and I very depressed about this.

As you likely know from my previous post I don’t really have a great connection with my family, and they cannot support me emotionally once so ever.

I feel workwise I don’t think I will ever work anywhere near anything I went to school for and will be resricted to min wage most of my life, I feel like there is not a ton of I can to change this, and nothing I seem to do helps, I am currently 2.5k in debt on credit cards and I highly doubt I will ever be able to pay that back given expenses on min wage.

I am currently living with friend but I know they can’t and won’t emotionally support me and I know they are the type that cares about me enough to be sad if I commited sucide but not enough to notice any of the red flags or even ask how i am doing when i am really going through it. I feel bad since I know I am a horrible, gross and annoying person. I know the only reason they even hang out with me is they feel bad for me, and realize i am a loser and this is the best I have right now. don’t get wrong I still do care about my friends and I feel really bad for saying the things I said in this post but I always feel it’s not their fault and they are doing the best they can, they are closer to themselves than me. I feel like if they knew how bad my mental illness was they would slowly but surely drop me due to not being able to emotionally support me, I often feel like I need to present as emotionally perfect publicly cause they don’t have the spoons to help someone who is actively suicidal and hates every single element of herself

I have been recently loosing my grip on reality, I often loose myself in really hyper realistic day dreams, I will zone out to the point I question if I am even real, or if my surroundings are even real, I sometimes just give in since I feel like it’s a reality that ignores how gross and horrible I am and gives m what I want but don’t deserve.

I would commit but I feel like I am too much of a coward to do anything actually deadly. I don’t want to be alive but I am scared of what comes after death. I also feel like traumatizing my friends is not fair.

    2 months ago

    If it helps, I think you already look adorable! In a kind of pudgy young adult woman way.

    Do you voice train though? I heard that voice can sometimes help a lot with femininity.

    And also sometimes, it’s confidence! It’s gonna be hard, considering gender dysphoria and all, but sometimes, just being confident in your feminity helps people see you more as a girl.