I happened to click a link that took me to the associated twitter X account for something I was interested in and was greeted by not one, not two, but four modern day web popups.
I know it’s nothing new. I’ve got a couple of firefox plugins that are usually quite good at hiding this sort of nonsense, but I guess they failed me today (or, I shudder to think, there were even more that were blocked, and this is what got through)
What’s the worst new/not-signed-in user experience you’ve encountered recently?
this comment will not get any upvotes from anyone who follows it 😁
Why? It’s how I browse every day
It’s really interesting, I hadn’t tried this in a long long time. Some sites are simply broken, others drag themselves along half broken, but lemmy seems to be doing alright weheee
I use uBlock’s “Medium mode” that (for some reason) is hidden behind several obscure steps: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Blocking-mode:-medium-mode
Anyway, yeah, it pretty much breaks every website the first time you visit. Well, every domain at least. But once you figure out which scripts to allow to get it functioning, you can save individual settings for each site/domain that load automatically every time you visit afterwards.