I’ve got so many amazing free games from Epic over the years. When I grew up I’d have to play the same shitty demos over and over again because I couldn’t afford full games. Now I have hundreds of high quality games for free. This is truly the golden age of gaming. Being a kid right now must be magical.
As an aside, I grew up playing games like Jazz Jackrabbit, Epic Pinball, and Unreal. It’s so cool to see how they have continued to evolve. Especially the Unreal engine, which is basically witchcraft.
Jazz Jackrabbit takes me baaack!
This is me every week. I have most of the free games in Steam so I’d rather play them there. And the ones I don’t, I can’t be bothered opening another launcher to play them.
At this point I don’t know why I grab them.
Little known fact: Many Games in Epic are actually DRM free, so you can simply add them to Steam manually: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games_on_Epic_Games_Store
Or maybe you can try to use GOG Galaxy, which combines most launchers into one?
Man, they gave some really doozy though! If you haven’t played Control, it’s freaking awesome!
I am fellow enjoyer of Subnautica, GTA V, Watch dogs, Control, Train Simulator, Elder Scroll Online
Star Wars Battlefront II boiiiii
What?! Damn I missed that one
So many people complain about epic and it’s launcher. Yeah, it’s not great but it works just fine and with all the free games you can claim, it’s just crazy not to have a account for it.
Every week 1 to 2 games to claim and in December for like 2 weeks straight you get extra games to claim.
Who cares it’s a repeat or a less good game, it’s free. Try it out and maybe you’ll find your next favorite game!
And if you’re not interested in having their launcher on your system, there’s an open source alternative called Heroic.
You can use it on windows? I’m using it on my steam deck to have access to prime, gog and epic.
It looks like a good alternative.
Yeah, works perfectly fine on Windows.
Is it a launcher-launcher like Playnite and GOG? Is it better?
It’s a third-party launcher for Epic, GoG and Amazon. It’s way less resource heavy than GoG or Epic and better in terms of privacy.
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I totally agree. After all this time the store is still lacking very heavily.
I’m going to give the heroic client a try, works great on my steam deck.
I would just make a account and claim the free games through the website, their always on the frontpage to claim.
But to each their own ofcourse.
You can use heroic, it is pretty good and supports epic, gog and amazon games, also setups proton/wine for you if you are not on win
Does it support Steam? Only launcher I want gone.
I fully agree. There was some controversy about exclusives, and I get it, but the drama was completely disproportional to the issue. It turns out that console fanboys have evolved into launcher fanboys. I’m grateful for free games and an amazing games engine.
You should look up what happened with Ooblets.
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Ah, I see, you’re a moron.
Looks like you’re a moron, if you stand by the harrassment, death threats, racism and sexism.
I never said I stood by that shit, just that I stood against what the dev did. Conversely, it’ll be much harder for you to claim you’re not standing by the dev’s actions, since everything he did came directly from him.
How about the way he told people who had already paid him, who funded the development of the entire fucking game for years that he “owes them nothing,” despite the fact that he would be literally nowhere without them?
What about how he said that his own supporters and customers no longer being able to access the game that they funded and paid for is “not his problem?”
How about my favorite quote from the dev: “gamers deserve the gas chamber.”So, good to know you support a cruel, scamming,
antisemiticscumbag.🖕Edit: The quote was fabricated, as it turns out. The rest was not.
Nobody lost access to the game. They just had to click a different icon to launch it. That’s it. That was the whole “controversy”.
Calling someone a moron and Nazi for not joining a temper tantrum over something so utterly inconsequential is psychopath behavior.
There have been a few instances where I was excited for the free games that came out.
One game they have given out a few times is called “Enter the Gungeon”
This is one of the best roguelite games I’ve ever played. I have hundreds of hours in this game.
Please play it for a while if you have not.
Subnautica, Yooka-Laylee, gta5, dishonored, they gave away a lot of good stuff.
Not sure if I got subnautica. There was a crpg series they gave away. I forget the name, but i was about the buy it on steam and recognized the artwork. I checked on Epic and sure enough I had the triology.
I now check Gog Galaxy (linked to steam and epic) before any purshase. Still buy bundles I already have.
Shit I must have missed that, I’ve seen it maby times on the Steam store and contemplated buying it
Such a wonderful game!
Frickin’ amen to that! I long got it on my switch, first digital than physical. Claimed it for free on ps+ and epic.
Between all of them I have 1000+ hours in the game and it’s still fun to play.
Im ready to give mods a try. Im on Linux, so I’m not sure how difficult it will be. But I’m pretty confident I can get it working. In fact, I might have tried in the past.
Through a mod I practiced >!The rats boxing match part!<
I’m not sure why I didn’t think about that. It’s hard enough to get to the mouse just to quickly try to learn the buttons and then die.
Control was sick though, (edit) I even bought the DLC for it. And they’ve had a bunch of free games that I had bought and played before they put them up for free.
Well you keep their user stats high, so they should thank you
They’ve given out some fantastic games. I had a blast playing Fez, A Short Hike, Alan Wake and more.
using epic games
This is me most weeks. Thanks for the reminder to claim them this week. :D
Cheeky self-plug, but if you join [email protected] you can see all the freebie notifications as they appear
I’ve played a bunch of Epic free games.
Hell yeah. They have some good ones.
I have a catch all email, so I create an account every week for no good reason. Anyone else?
Because I can give the credentials to someone who want’s to play the game and I don’t give access to all of my games.
I even do that with games I buy. You hacked my diablo3 account? Bad luck. But you don’t have access to all my other games. I can even resell the whole game account when I’m done playing.
Don’t get why my inital post was downvoted. I’m not saying that you should do that. Was just asking. But ok.
So you have a different account for each game? This seems like a lot of effort for little return
Yes. I really don’t think it’s an effort really. I mean I just press register and enter [email protected]. This takes a minute. It’s not that I have to create a new emailaccount or something. And I can even remember them, because the names follow a pattern. As I said it all goes in a single catch-all inbox where I can easily filter by adress. And if I get spam on such an adress they either got hacked or sold my data. Origin for example leaked my email adress for Dragon Age. I also give out unique emailadresses everywhere I need to give one. I got spam on an email I gave exclusively to an ebook distributor. When this happens I just block this adress. I do this because it’s no effort at all. If we meet I could say to you: my email is [email protected] and you get out your phone, send me an email and I recieve it. No work at all on my side.
Thank you for reminding me to get my free game this week