I never said I stood by that shit, just that I stood against what the dev did. Conversely, it’ll be much harder for you to claim you’re not standing by the dev’s actions, since everything he did came directly from him.
How about the way he told people who had already paid him, who funded the development of the entire fucking game for years that he “owes them nothing,” despite the fact that he would be literally nowhere without them?
What about how he said that his own supporters and customers no longer being able to access the game that they funded and paid for is “not his problem?”
How about my favorite quote from the dev: “gamers deserve the gas chamber.”
So, good to know you support a cruel, scamming, antisemitic scumbag.🖕
Edit: The quote was fabricated, as it turns out. The rest was not.
Did you seriously make an alt just to make this ignorant, lie-filled reply? You’re a god damned loser on top of being a moron. How about before being this big of a sweaty dipshit in the future, you try ACTUALLY READING WHAT YOURE REPLYING TO.
Edit: To address your insane ignorance, yes, people who gave them money did fucking lose access to it. They had supporters in countries where EGS didn’t do service at the time who lost access entirely. One such user is who I saw receive the “Not our problem,” reply.
It’s so sad how they had to deal with harassment :(
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Ah, I see, you’re a moron.
Looks like you’re a moron, if you stand by the harrassment, death threats, racism and sexism.
I never said I stood by that shit, just that I stood against what the dev did. Conversely, it’ll be much harder for you to claim you’re not standing by the dev’s actions, since everything he did came directly from him.
How about the way he told people who had already paid him, who funded the development of the entire fucking game for years that he “owes them nothing,” despite the fact that he would be literally nowhere without them?
What about how he said that his own supporters and customers no longer being able to access the game that they funded and paid for is “not his problem?”
How about my favorite quote from the dev: “gamers deserve the gas chamber.”So, good to know you support a cruel, scamming,
antisemiticscumbag.🖕Edit: The quote was fabricated, as it turns out. The rest was not.
Nobody lost access to the game. They just had to click a different icon to launch it. That’s it. That was the whole “controversy”.
Calling someone a moron and Nazi for not joining a temper tantrum over something so utterly inconsequential is psychopath behavior.
Did you seriously make an alt just to make this ignorant, lie-filled reply? You’re a god damned loser on top of being a moron. How about before being this big of a sweaty dipshit in the future, you try ACTUALLY READING WHAT YOURE REPLYING TO.
Edit: To address your insane ignorance, yes, people who gave them money did fucking lose access to it. They had supporters in countries where EGS didn’t do service at the time who lost access entirely. One such user is who I saw receive the “Not our problem,” reply.
You’re grasping at straws, claiming different people to be sock puppets, posing strawman arguments and spouting gamergate level conspiracy bullshit.
You are the problem.