Doesn’t have to be a life motto. Any motto, for any application.
Mine is: “Fear is shorter than regret.”
“Be excellent to each other”.
Show some compassion, be a bro, care about other people. Maybe we can make society a bit better; one person, one act of kindness, at a time.
Party on, dude
And party on dude! I came here to say this. It’s such an easy tenant to live by. The world would be a better place if everyone really took it to heat.
An easy tenant to live by would be a good neighbor.
An easy tenet to live by is a simple guiding principle.Thanks not sure if it was the dyslexia or the autocorrect which got me that time.
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I like your style
nice johnson
If you can’t control it, don’t worry about it.
Used to mostly keep me sane at work
If you can’t do something about a problem, worrying just gives you another problem. If you can do something about it, don’t waste energy worrying about it, just do the thing
This is great, I’ve been applying it in the kast few years. Lifted many a burden off my back
Remember you will die. Not as a fear but simply as a reminder.
Memento mori
Et in Arcadia ego
90% of life is showing up.
I use this every time I’m on the fence about going to an event or just curling up on the couch.
It’s a good one. I’ll meditate to this.
I usually just show up to my couch
Then you were never REALLY on the fence.
I don’t understand the whole wisdom of this right now, so it probably means I have some meditating to do as well
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” — George Bernard Shaw
oh man, I love this. Thanks !
“Anything that isn’t nothing”
Helps me push through when executive dysfunction hits. Getting outside for even just a little bit is a whole lot better than staying inside while telling myself I’m going to run 3 miles, for example
That’s a good one. A few others that help with my executive dysfunction are:
- “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” (It’s better to do something than to obsess over trying for the impossible goal of ‘perfection’.)
- “Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.” (This one helps especially with art and things I enjoy but struggle to do if I’m not instantly great at them.)
- “Laziness does not exist.” (This was inspired by a Medium article I read years ago which explained there is always an underlying cause of procrastination. Mental or physical ill health issues, uncertainty about the task, fear of failure, etc. When I am struggling to move forward, I now look for that reason and can begin to remove the barrier.)
“Some is better than none.” -My motto throughout college.
Usually I was stressed by the number of chapters I had to read, or pages I had to write. Instead of shutting down and not doing anything, I would tell myself to just read a single page or write a paragraph because any amount of work done is better than nothing.
Now I apply it to work and chores.
I love this. I always tell people trying to get into fitness and struggling something along these lines. Anything is better than nothing. Even just going to the gym and walking around the place and walking right out… Still better than doing nothing at all. Terry crews has an awesome quote kinda along these lines:
I tell people this a lot - go to the gym, and just sit there, and read a magazine, and then go home. And do this every day. Go to the gym, don’t even work out. Just GO. Because the habit of going to the gym is more important than the work out. Because it doesn’t matter what you do. You can have fun — but as long as you’re having fun, you continue to do it.
Try to live a happy life imposing as little as possible on others.
Before you criticize a man, you should walk a mile in his shoes. That way if he gets angry, you’re a mile away! And you’ve got his shoes!
“In doubt, reboot”
People should really learn this one
I personally need a reboot how do I go about doing this?
Follow a Ramadan or Lent fast and take as much a break from electronics as possible especially around bedtime.
I think about Roy and Moss every week at my stupid job.
if you want to achieve nothing, form a committee
I don’t know if I agree with that, let’s go around the room again, all in favour? /s
Wait…wait… we need somebody from legal on this call
Paraphrased from Forrest Gump.
“Well, I’ve come this far. Might as well keep going.”
It’s great, because you just lie to yourself about the starting point of any task, and it doesn’t seem so bad.
If I’ve survived from birth until now, then I guess I can survive doing the dishes.I was just about to give up on dishes thank you kind stranger
“Don’t say things about someone behind their back, if you wouldn’t be prepared to say it to their face”
I like this one, but looking at it from a different angle I say nice things about people behind their backs pretty regularly that I absolutely would not be prepared to say to their face cuz toxic masculinity. Anybody have tips on how I can keep working on the opposite of this problem? 😭
Smack em on the ass and say “you’re looking good today my dude.”
Shoulder, slap the shoulder. You don’t want to get called by the HR.
Ok, stare HR down while you’re doing it.
Funny… I think the internet’s motto is the exact opposite of this lol
life has no meaning, so find one.
i’m an absurdist :]
Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value.
Albert Einstein