“Heads up, there won’t be a WAN Show this week. Instead, we will continue to focus on addressing issues raised both internally and by the community during our production break. We appreciate you all for your patience.”

  • @[email protected]
    1151 year ago

    Kinda bummed but also a good choice unless it was Luke and someone else.

    Don’t really need Linus opening his mouth right now.

    • @CameronDev
      451 year ago

      Tarren would be interesting, but I suspect he is probably very hesitant to go live and unfiltered. He has seen how that worked for his predecessor :/

      • @[email protected]
        401 year ago

        WAN Show’s real appeal (to me, at least) has always been the unfiltered and real time conversations. Though as of late, those conversations have been more about creating controversy then real discussion 😐

        • @CameronDev
          181 year ago

          Agreed, that is why I like it as well. A lot of the controversy is the community taking their unfiltered words and twisting them, rather than listening for the actual intent that is being expressed. Without the Luke saves Linus would have burned the whole company to the ground a long time ago. Hard R etc :D

          • @[email protected]
            131 year ago

            If you use a phrase in a way nobody else uses, and asks people to read your mind for what you actually meant, then you already failed as a public facing communicator.

            • WeirdAlex03
              191 year ago

              Iirc Linus genuinely thought “hard R” refered to the word starting with R (r****d), not the one ending in R (n****r). He thought he was using it the same as everyone else, unaware that no he very much was not. Meanwhile, Luke was watching his career flash before his eyes

  • @[email protected]
    721 year ago

    I’m glad they recognize the gravity of the situation and are treating this as a true existential moment for the company.

    • 7heoM
      451 year ago

      I’m pretty sure Linus saw the absolute shitstorm he was about to face in all 3 chats, and ran the other way.

      • @[email protected]
        411 year ago

        Either that or the whole management team had to drag him away kicking and screaming so he wouldn’t throw more oil into the fire.

        • @[email protected]
          161 year ago

          Yvonne said she was the one that put her foot down after his post. The entire vibe I got out of that apology video was “alright, we’re raining in Linus and fixing this shit”

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          My guess is this. Tong probably said “Linus, shut the fuk up and disappear for a little bit”.

  • @CameronDev
    541 year ago

    As much as I like WAN show, it does seem a bit symptomatic of the overwork. They go until after midnight on a Friday night? And frequently they call someone who should be home?

    Merch messages have metastasized it a bit. Maybe they should just prerecord it during work hours, and answer merch messages from the previous week? Would be less interactive, but most of the curated merch messages seem to be general questions anyway, rather than topic specific questions? They could still automatically show current merch messages in the banner as the video goes live?

    I at least hope they are either paying Dan overtime or letting him shift his hours around.

      • @CameronDev
        1 year ago

        Yup, agreed. In isolation, working late or unusual hours is not bad, but with the other things going on, perhaps worth them stepping back and evaluating if it’s the right thing to do.

        I doubt Colton has an on-call agreement to cover him getting call up on the show.

        I am currently doing on-call work, I get a daily lump sum to hold the phone, and a fixed call out sum of I get called out. There are lots of different arrangements it seems. Compensation and balance is key though

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          There’s no “off hours” for csuite though. At that point you’re expected to act whether you’re balls deep in your partner or chilling at the office.

          • @CameronDev
            41 year ago

            I dunno if that is typical for most companies? I’m pretty sure the csuite of my company isn’t expected to be available 24/7. Neither would I expect that from the csuite of the BBC or any other media company?

            Im not in their industry, is it how it works at other companies?

            • @[email protected]
              41 year ago

              Usually c-suite are paid annually and are required to work whatever amount of time is required of them by the office, which might include working during what is considered time off for hourly employees. At my previous job they even told them “You’re expected to end the year having worked 50h/week on average.” when 40h was the max for regular employees.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                Meanwhile, 20 of those hours every week are spent attending meetings. The “work” That suite folks do consists of meetings, talking to people, and sending emails. Literally anyone can do that for 50 hours a week, especially when the salary allows you to hire domestic help to do the housework, cooking, landscaping, etc… Thatyou’d otherwise spend those hours on.

                • @[email protected]
                  21 year ago

                  I know employees not in managerial roles that do pretty much that too. Salaries also depend on the size of the company, I know some that make less than I do in an entry level job in my department.

                  “C-suites” (didn’t use traditional titles as it wasn’t a private business) at my previous job were obligated to work nights, weekends, interact with clients directly (including helping when facing difficult ones) and so on… Not all c-suites jobs are the same and not all of them are easy either…

    • kryllic
      1 year ago

      Hope Dan is getting reimbursed as well, though if Madison’s claim about time off is to be believed, I don’t have much confidence in that.

      A bit of a side tangent, but the way Linus talks to Dan has always kinda rubbed me the wrong way. There’s jokey “Dan wants me to do this but I’m gonna do this instead” banter that’s ok but there are times where Linus just seems to openly disregard Dan and blame him for his own fuckups on the show. Not trying to be a parasocial Andy here but it does make the podcast harder to listen to, imo.

      • @[email protected]
        201 year ago

        Linus has this attitude with everyone. The reason you see it more with Dan is because it’s Live.

        He has an attitude problem

        • 7heoM
          1 year ago

          Yeah, I was really annoyed when, during the Billet Labs monoblock “review” video, I saw Linus berating his cohost for not guessing shit he wanted, while the cohost was very obviously trying his best to do all he could while respectfully staying out of Linus’s way.

          And that’s just one example in a single video.

          Damned if you do, damned is you don’t. You just can’t win.

      • @CameronDev
        91 year ago

        I know what you mean. Without knowing their personal relationship it can seem a bit cruel at times.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        It’s really off-putting to me too, even if it was truly fake banter. And I’m no longer sure it’s even mostly fake banter.

      • @CameronDev
        51 year ago

        That’s good, thanks for letting us know, I must have missed it whenever that has been said.

      • Nucelar
        -231 year ago

        We are no longer dicussing facts anyway and want to burn people at the stake

        • @CameronDev
          51 year ago

          I don’t want to burn anyone at the stake. I just want to know that everything is done above board. If they are getting overtime, then all is well, and I’m happy.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      That’s the exact same thing I’m thinking every time I’m watching. I wouldn’t stay at work after midnight on every single Friday that’s for sure.

      • @[email protected]
        241 year ago

        They’ve been using polls for a lot for a while now - even things that were recently criticized like the Framework investment, was originally a poll on WAN asking how the audience felt about the ethical implications of that investment. And whether the audience thought it was acceptable so long as they always disclaim that Linus is a Framework investor during coverage of other laptops. To me it kinda makes sense how they could get so caught up in an echo chamber of die-hard fans who encourage them into things that people who aren’t in that core fan group see as problematic or at least ethically questionable. I see using fans to guide decision making as one of the root problems at LTT, because fans, pretty much by definition, already think you can do no wrong, and will often be blind to the way things look to a broader audience.

      • @[email protected]
        151 year ago

        They probably had some floatplane exclusives ready to go pre- scheduled. Asking about that from their paying customers honestly seems fair.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Pretty sure I saw another screenshot that said they did have a couple in the wings they asked about postponing.

          But at a certain point the outrage has to apparently turn into a witch hunt and blaming them for stuff they didn’t or haven’t done, so here we are. There’s plenty of real stuff to be mad about without making anything up.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            They have stopped releasing videos, maybe they could, you know, just postpone what they’ve already got?

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                The fact they don’t just fix it in post with audio is insane to me.

                They can do it, I remember several insances where they have (f.e. Linus voicing over with his phone mic). It’s a bit jarring when not shot on the same equipment, but it’s so worth it

      • phillaholic
        121 year ago

        Little different for being paying outright for the content I guess.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Yeah, I’m by no means happy with this turn of events, but given that they actually pay for content on Floatplane, it makes perfect sense to me to ask them if they should do a show.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        how else do you expect him to read the room and know not to make sex jokes or steal auction shit that isnt his.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        They had exclusives already produced, uploaded and scheduled to go live, so no actual work to release them. The poll was if they should let those go ahead or hold them back in the spirit of the break.

  • @[email protected]
    171 year ago

    If they continue it meant they value tradition more than righting the wrongs. Remember that it’s deep seated tradition that allowed the work culture to fester in the first place.

    Not to mention all the chats would be bombarded.

    Lastly I think Dan deserves a break.

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    Good. They need to take this shit seriously. This could be (imo should be) the end of LTT.

    • Richard
      61 year ago

      Why should it be the end of LTT? That’s so not constructive! We should strive toward forcing a change at the company, but not ending its existence! There are many people employed there, and whatever has occurred regarding Madison, only a fraction of those working there 9 to 5 will have had anything to do with it.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I’m not in the crowd of should be, and I’m all for second chances. But, I could see why someone wouldn’t want Linus, and a company under his name, to not be successful because of who he is and what’s happening. Liking a product but not the person behind it is ok. Making a choice not to support either is also ok.

  • TopHat
    61 year ago

    Does anyone have any suitable “alternatives” in podcasts which are similar to the WAN Show in atmosphere? (As in: longer conversations about tech-adjecent topics) I don’t feel comfortable wanting to go near LMG’s content (my only consistent watching was the WAN Show to be frank) after these discoveries.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Probably the level 1 techs various shows, used to be one big thing but now I think they release different “categories” each day or something, it’s been a while since I’ve watched them, damn you YouTube messing with my feed.

    • randromeda
      21 year ago

      The Waveform podcast is pretty decent. It’s MKBHD’s podcast.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Jay-Z 2 cents has a pod called RTFM if you like his content. Not necessarily the same but still in the tech world.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I would suggest you check out Smashing Security. Although it doesn’t have the variable length that WAN Show has, it’s worth a listen.