Why you should know:
Arsenic is a carcinogen and has various other negative health effects; enough to warrant exposure limits in various jurisdictions. A five minute boil-and-discard step before cooking is a simple way to reduce your exposure, especially if you eat a lot of rice.
Details are in the study, linked in the title of this post. Here’s a diagram from the abstract:
Wow, lot to unpack here.
“Ain’t nobody got time for that.”
How much arsenic are we talking about here?
“Saving time, water, and energy” is apparently short for boil water, stand around, drain, re-boil more water using more energy, and finish cooking rice. Where is all this time saving happening?
“The margin of exposure [to arsenic] is increased to desired levels”. Hmmm I guess if you really think about it that is a true statement, but one heck of a roundabout way to say it.
Haha guess so. Misleading graphic taken out of context. That makes more sense. I never tried the excessive water method. It sounded interesting, but I refer to my point #1 above.
You were being generous going past (1.) I rather just die or stop reading rice