• kubica
    8222 days ago

    Wouldn’t it be funny if the AI reading reddit ended up trained on error messages?

  • @[email protected]
    7522 days ago

    It’s been broken since the 3rd party apps debacle. Thanks for fucking up the site out of pure greed, you self righteous cunts. If Swartz were alive today, he’d kill himself again over what they did to reddit.

    • @cheddar
      1521 days ago

      It’s been broken since the 3rd party apps debacle.

      Oh, reddit had these technical issues long before that. I remember regular downtimes. It’s just in the past we had 3rd party apps and their web app wasn’t as bloated as it is today, so at least reddit had good UX/aesthetics.

      But now both sides are ugly.

      • @[email protected]
        220 days ago

        I mean, it was indeed a hot mess in many ways, but it was also a mostly functioning online community. So functional it became a great source for information and individual opinions on just about anything.

        It could have been preserved and profited from with little effort, but some suits saw a bigger payday opportunity and tried to wring it dry, accidentally squeezed too hard, and drove a wedge into the community.

  • FancyLad
    5021 days ago

    Reddit is the new Digg and Lemmy is the new reddit, which means we will one day be the new Digg 😨

    • @[email protected]
      1821 days ago

      Lemmy in NOT the new reddit. It has nowhere near the traffic or niche communities that reddit does. We are our own little community of defectors, but Lemmy is currently not reddit and I have my doubts it will pick up in traffic ever. Which is ok too, I guess.

      • Melody Fwygon
        420 days ago

        Lemmy has it’s start by being that upstart anti-reddit competitor. …Just like Reddit was back when Digg dominated the web.

        Give it time; it seems Spez didn’t learn his lessons from how reddit ended up dominating over Digg.

    • @[email protected]
      21 days ago

      Just destroy the internet and/or the planet when Lemmy becomes reddit and the changeover will never happen.

  • tiredofsametab
    4221 days ago

    I mean, I’m on my third instance because the other two went away so it’s not like we have zero problems here. Gloating can be dangerous.

  • @[email protected]
    2021 days ago

    Oh no, how will the bots function without reddit? Where are the outrage trolls going to scream into the void?

    Oh well, not my dumpster fire, not my problem. It is quite funny though.

      • t�m
        222 days ago

        More than tankies but I was slightly hopeful

        • metaStatic
          322 days ago

          I guess I was also being hopeful that there where any humans left to even ask the question xD

  • Lad
    820 days ago

    I wish that shitty legacy site would go down for good.

  • @[email protected]
    720 days ago

    Reddit, about yesterday, started to implement a change…

    They have the old Reddit interface and then the one that replaced it (“new Reddit”) and the current interface you see on Reddit replaced that. People don’t like the most recent interface iteration but had the option to go to “new Reddit” or “old Reddit” by vising the appropriate links.

    Notably, each newer interface seems to be more stressful for the servers to run. Still, likely a decent amount of folks don’t like the newest interface so likely the load balances out.

    Yesterday though, they “pulled the lever” and “new Reddit” is no more. (This was announced about a month ago at this link but they only got around to doing it yesterday.) Those people trying to access “new Reddit” are redirected to the latest interface. You have the option to use the oldest Reddit interface or the newest one but not the “new Reddit” one. Since the latest interface seemed to use the most server resources before, it is interesting how Reddit seemed to have their severs overloaded a bit when they made the switchover.

    On Reddit, people have been upset in /r/help that this has happened but Reddit will likely continue on with this change anyway. Old Reddit will continue to be supported (at least for now anyway).