Time for some warm-and-fuzzies! What happy memories do you have from your early days of getting into computers/programming, whenever those early days happened to be?

When I was in middle school, I read an article in Discover Magazine about “artificial life” — computer simulations of biological systems. This sent me off on the path of trying to make a simulation of bugs that ran around and ate each other. My tool of choice was PowerBASIC, which was like QBasic except that it could compile to .EXE files. I decided there would be animals that could move, and plants that could also move. To implement a rule like “when the animal is near the plant, it will chase the plant,” I needed to compute distances between points given their x- and y-coordinates. I knew the Pythagorean theorem, and I realized that the line between the plant and the animal is the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Tada: I had invented the distance formula!

  • gerikson@awful.systems
    22 days ago

    Early teens: ZX series, typing in programs from magazine listings.

    Then a pretty big jump, I tried to construct a raytracing program from first principles in high school.

    In uni I got a really cheap 386 w/ 2 meg memory, could run Win3.1 on it and dial-up to uni’s FirstClass system (remember them?)

    First “home page” in 1995 or so? Uni tilde account.

    Got the Linux bug in '97 or so, installed Debian on floppies (had to liberate 2 more megs from another machine)

    In the early 2000s I really liked messing around with some BSD’s.

    After that computers became more and more of a job, so I kind of lost interest in messing around with them.