the air frier is such a marketing genius, they used an established technology, the convection oven, packed it small and brand it as healthy, now everyone has it
I got one not because it’s healthy but because it’s literally a small oven for when I don’t want to heat the whole big oven
Im seriously considering getting rid of my oven and replacing it with an air fryer and portable induction hotplates.
Only problem is that a frozen pizza wont fit in an air fryer and thats like the only thing I actually use the over for!
Stupid question but why do you like need to get rid of your oven specifically? Can’t you just not use it? It’s already basically built into the counter space for most residences.
Sell it I guess.
There’s plenty of larger tabletop convection ovens that will fit most frozen pizzas. Unless you’re making a world record size pizza, you should be fine.
If you don’t do Thanksgiving then this is honestly viable. Literally the only reason my big ass of an exists at this point is for a turkey because even though I got one of the probably largest countertop air fryers I could find where I can fit whole roasted chickens and do baking and other stuff it won’t fit a whole ass turkey and I don’t think I would want one that could that would be just a little bit too much counter space
Like a toaster over?
Yeah but it has a fan.
No, not like a toaster. Over.
10-4. Over.
For the record, I don’t wanna hang out with you when this is over.
You forgot to say over. Over.
Wait, I have to say over even if the sentence ends with the word over?
I use my air fryer basically for fries and thats it. I have a convection oven that’s like 1/3/ 2/3 though that is fuckin KILLER for this reason. It saves on energy only heating the top, The top bit preheats in a couple minutes max, and it fits basically everything except maybe a cake or something. Since my breakup ive had to pull out the divider one time.
Toaster ovens were also a thing.
which is why I have a toaster oven. Way easier in the summer.
It’s more like adding a leaf blower to it, but yeah it’s just a glorified convection oven.
Lots of modern ovens come with the feature, but you can’t just air fry in any old convection oven.
Plus it doesn’t take 15 minutes to preheat
You also don’t have to waste energy heating up a whole oven
but isn’t a conventional oven insulated better?
For programmers: Air fryers have perfected the race to idle.
For everyone else: Probably, but the insulation may not matter as much. Heating up a traditional oven takes anywhere from 15 to maybe 5 minutes, if you got a really powerful one. During that time heat escapes the device.
Meanwhile air fryers usually heat up in about a minute and get the actual cooking done faster.
So unless you are broiling something for a really long time, air fryers may still come out on top, just because they get done quicker, saving energy in the process.
Oven pizza is a 22 minute job. My air fryer is done after 9.
There’s also something about air volume and thermal mass, but you get the point.
What’s more, my oven sucks up to 3kW and has a 72l volume of air to heat up, from what I see most air fryers are between 1 and 2 kW and hold 4-7l of volume… The scales are pretty different, insulation or not (air fryers have less surface area for heat to escape from, also).
I don’t have one, but I use my bread machine a lot 'cause it uses a fraction of the power of my oven, aside from kneading automatically.
I had one that took a few minutes to preheat, and others that you just toss the stuff in.
But yeah, it’s a marginal time with that one I would just start it and than go grab what I want to cook and it’ll be ready by then usually.
Especially on 230V circuits this is a big plus. It’s hot in a minute when my oven takes 12 minutes.
I like them cause they cook faster and crisp better than convection ovens. A leaf blower, like the other person said.
Air fryer, automatic pressure cooker, and electric smoker: three appliances that every home cook should own to step up their meal game. Your food will taste so much better.
(I mean you haven’t lived until you’ve had ribs that were smoked for 2 hours, stuck in the instant pot for 20 minutes, and then finished off in the broiler or on the grill. No other method tops this technique. Or birria that was pressure cooked instead of the traditional stove method. And now I want ribs and tacos birrias.)
Ew, corpse eating. When will people realise that these disgusting religious practices aren’t okay to talk about in public? Nobody likes your corpse eating cult.
I’ll bite (pun semi- intended) how is it religious?
There’s no way a person who bases their decisions on scientific thinking would eat corpses. Not unless they were in a situation of absolute desperation. A person who bases their decisions on scientific thinking would determine killing is bad, and would just eat plants instead. Even if it cost an extra four dollars per grocery trip.
Corpse eating happens because of tradition and dogma. Because “that’s the way we’ve always done things.” We indoctrinate children into this blood cult and normalise violence the same way some religions normalise genital mutilation or ritual sacrifice of humans. Hells, the thanksgiving turkey, which is served in the literal shape of its corpse rather than being butchered or processed, is a ritual sacrifice.
A religion is not defined only by worship of gods, or else Buddhism would not be a religion. A religion can be defined by dogmatic, ritualised, inhumane practices taught to children from birth in the name of tradition. That’s what carnism is. I’ve never seen a defence of carnism that didn’t speak to some idea of “the natural order” or “tradition” or “the gods made them to be our food”, or some other religious nonsense.
you might wanna consider touching grass
No thanks, I’m allergic to grass. I’ll get itchy and my nose will run.
There’s no way a person who bases their decisions on scientific thinking would eat corpses
person who bases their decisions on scientific thinking would determine killing is bad
the thanksgiving turkey, which is served in the literal shape of its corpse rather than being butchered or processed
Right, because turkeys are naturally headless and featherless with their wings and legs tied up. Totally no processing going on at all with them
is a ritual sacrifice
You don’t kill a live turkey during thanksgiving, it’s not a fucking sacrifice
I see that you’re only able to argue using words when discussing the Thanksgiving turkey. For which your arguments amount to “but it’s cooked tho” and “but only the consumption of the flesh happens on the day”. Okay, both correct, and both irrelevant. Meanwhile, you’ve responded to all of my core points not with words, logic, or meaning, but with guttural vocalisations of emotion. Thus, I infer that your only argument in favour of the carnist religion is an emotional one, intended not to persuade but to intimidate. So I repeat my claim that no scientifically minded person could agree with your religion.
I see that you’re only able to argue using words when discussing the Thanksgiving turkey
Yeah, your other points were so beyond stupid they can only be laughed at
You’re the kind of vegan people point to when they say all vegans are lunatics with 0 basic brain functionality
Your comment is based!
You don’t understand what science or scientific thinking is.
You’re gonna tell me that “real” science is whatever aligns with your religion, aren’t you?
I think you are, bro.
Can you cite any peer reviewed studies that show scientific thinking necessarily leads away from omnivory?
Gregson, R., Piazza, J., & Boyd, R. L. (2022). ‘Against the cult of veganism’: Unpacking the social psychology and ideology of anti-vegans. Appetite, 178, 106143–106143.
Results from our analyses suggest several individual differences that align r/AntiVegan users with the community, including dark entertainment, ex-veganism and science denial.
A person who bases their decisions on scientific thinking would determine killing is bad
Science does not produce value judgements.
science doesn’t make moral judgement. killing can’t be scientifically “bad”
You are labeling other people as weird, while being super weird about it.
Do you want me to use tame insults or to call carnists murderers?
Kill yourself and donate your body to culinary science.
It’s an improvement on established technology. The “healthy” angle is that it has a drip tray. For some reason that has more marketing potential than: cooks quicker, with less energy, and a smaller device.
Do you ever clean your air fryer?
Did Beethoven clean his piano after every sonata?
God, I hope so. Imagine all of Beethoven’s finger gunk sticking to those keys.
I knew a keyboard player a while back that didn’t like cleaning his keys, they got slick from finger oil with use and he didn’t like the little bit of extra friction they had when they were clean.
Holy fuck, how fast was he playing that he needed lube? Lmao
It’s ok, the heat will clean it. Any leftover scraps just add flavor to the next thing that gets cooked /s
Me when I’m in the sun for 30 seconds
I love my oven, has convection functions, a lot of things. Couldn’t afford it now, glad I bought it when I could!
i broke down and chipped mine out after about a year. makes a world of difference with tater tots