• @[email protected]
      97 hours ago

      Yeah, I can’t get over that. NASA was formed in 1958… Are they saying there was no sun before then? Literally every culture that has left behind any archaeological evidence has referenced the sun in some way.

      Unless they believe that the sun is a god that NASA captured in the late 50s and replaced with a simulation so we wouldn’t notice. That would be crazy too, but kinda metal as far as conspiracies go.

    • @[email protected]
      37 hours ago

      In 1816 was the year of no summer. The common explanation is that a volcano erupted reducing the amount of sun light that hit the earth making it much colder for that year. But really the Truth is much crazier.

      Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials for 1000’s of years, some wanting to see humans evolve technologically others wanting to stop or slow our knowledge due to our violent nature. Well after many decades of back and forth fighting, the anti-human ET’s went all in and decided the only safe galaxy was one without Earth and started a chain reaction to destroy the sun. This was 1816.

      But… we still have a sun you say. Yes but it isn’t real. NASA (New American Science Academy) which was founded in 1690 in New York had been in close contact with the Pro-human ET’s , who unfortunately were blindsided by this very radical display from the Anti-humans and missed their opportunity to stop them. So the only thing they could do was to ‘rebuild’ the sun giving NASA the information on how to keep it going.

  • @[email protected]
    2010 hours ago

    The reason the sun sets is it takes so much energy to run that they have to switch to a much dimmer “moon” at night to give themselves enough time to recharge the battery enough for the next day’s light. It’s solar-powered, so of course they need to ensure it’s not running at max brightness in order to get the most gains.

  • @[email protected]
    2111 hours ago

    Before NASA who simulated the sun? In the middle ages they had no weather? Or history is also a hoax 🤔

    • Sabata
      810 hours ago

      NASA destroyed the magic industry, captured the wizzards and forces them to inscribe runes into silicon.

    • @RandomVideos
      39 hours ago

      The universe was actually created by aliens(including Hitler) last week

      • @[email protected]
        7 hours ago

        Why include the bit about Hitler. That’s like saying “All dogs, including my dog”.

        • @RandomVideos
          26 hours ago

          Many people actually dont know Hitler was an alien

          I also said “aliens”, not “all aliens”. A lot of them were busy playing with cats and other tasks

  • Fontasia
    6814 hours ago

    I wish NASA thought about NASA the way this guy thinks about NASA

    • @[email protected]
      57 hours ago

      I saw we should fund NASA like conspiracy theorists think we do. It’s amazing how much they do with so “little” money.

  • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
    7 hours ago

    That’s right! The sun, the thing that prevents our entire planet from being a frozen rock, which imparts 44 quadrillion watts of energy on the Earth’s surface, is just an elaborate NASA hoax!

    They actually generate all that energy with…



    • @[email protected]
      2013 hours ago

      Look up “Solar Simulator.” It’s a real device scientists use to test the effects of sunlight on various things, from solar panels to satellites (depending on the size of the simulator).

      Flerfs think NASA has one that they bring out during the day and float in the sky just to make Flerfs look stupid, when in reality, they don’t need any help looking stupid.

    • @[email protected]
      1313 hours ago

      Could be in response to the guy who wants to bring flat earthers to Antarctica. He wants to prove a globe by showing them, that there is 24 hours of daylight there. Now the flat earthers a fabulating about a sun simulator as a counter to it.

      • IndiBrony
        913 hours ago

        I’ve delved down this hole myself in recent months because it’s fun. YouTube channels I’d recommend for people wanting to laugh at flerfers:

        The ones I can think of off the top of my head are: SciManDan, Creaky Blinder, Conspiracy Toonz, David McKeegan and Fight The Flat Earth (FTFE). I’ve also been watching a lot of Planet Peterson lately, but his way of doing things is very much “say something stupid and I will verbally lay into you until you admit you’re a fucking dumbass” which I’m sure can grate on some people and make him come across as very obnoxious and rude.

        But they will all help educate you on why flat earth (and other conspiracies aside) are stupid, to varying degrees, espeically Dave McKeegan if you’re into photography.

    • Flying SquidOP
      1113 hours ago

      You clearly don’t watch enough videos of someone ranting for 3 hours on YouTube. Then you’d know all about it.

    • @[email protected]
      1113 hours ago

      You joke, but that is just about the sum of it. Illiteracy followed by deranged conspiracy theories erode public trust in institutions. The current GOP is case and point.

    • TragicNotCute
      513 hours ago

      It’s safe for your computer, but perhaps not for your eyes or brain. Lots of bright colors and bold claims.

      • @[email protected]
        5 hours ago

        Hey, not everything with bright colors and bold claims is bad! I wear bright colors because I wore black or grey tshirts for years and now I’m overcompensating. I also have many bold claims about how certain food should be cooked. I’m also pretty terrible…

        You know what? Never mind.

        Edit: Fixed a typo